Met her for the first time.

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"Nichols Jerry Jonas, I said you are coming for the party which is organized by your grandma and best friend from her childhood." My mother shouted at me.

Today, my brothers and I have a meeting and we where about to leave for the meeting but as we were about to leave, my mother reminded about the party my grandma has organized with her best friend. Today I have another party with my friends too. As I said my mom about other plans, she started to lecture me about how important this party was for my grandma but again I tried to excuse myself form the party which were to be held this evening. This angered my mom and she shouted at me. My brothers too where standing here with a look that meant 'you better come or mom is gonna be so pissed.'

I really can't avoid my grandma as she use to support me through everything and she always has been there for me whenever I felt a bit down. So I thought that I will cancel other party with my friends and spend some time with my grandma.
"Okay mom, I will come." I said to my mom with a sigh.

My mom was really happy with this and said that she would meet us in granny's house.

As I was walking to the doorway, I didn't feel so good about this whole party thing. I felt like something or someone is coming for me.

Joe, Kevin, Dani and myself got in the the black SUV that was waiting outside the house.
Dani has been pregnant for 4 months now. Kevin and Dani has been very excited and Joe and myself are very excited too. We couldn't wait to see the baby. On our way to the meeting, we will drop Dani at her friend's house and told her that on our way back we would take her back to the house.
Soon enough, We reached Dani's friend's house, we all said goodbye to Dani and before Dani got down from the car, Kevin kissed her softly. I, deep down wanted someone who would love me so much more than I could ever imagine. Whenever I see Kevin and Dani together, I remember about my soulmate too. I quietly admired the way Kevin and Dani loved each other and soon they are gonna bring their symbol of love in the form a newborn baby.

Within half an hour, we reached the place where our meeting will start soon. Few people from the building come near us.

"Welcome Joe, Kevin and Nick. It's a pleasure to have you guys work with our company. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Issac Rayan and I am the secretary of May Summer Dance Company." Issac said with a big happy smile plastered on his face.

"Hello Issac, It's a pleasure to meet you." I said and Joe and Kevin nodded with smile.

"Please, Let me show you around the building and by then our bosses will be here too." Issac said.

"Bosses? I thought there is only one boss for this company." Kevin said.

"Oh, no, there are 3 bosses for this company. they are Jennifer May Summer, the CEO and founder of this Company then there is Emma, who is the events manager and last but not the least we have Hazel, who is the social media manager." Issac said.

Issac continued saying "And, I am their trustworthy Secretary. Jennifer's father is one of the biggest business tycoons in L.A and during his starting times, I was there with him always. Later, When Jennifer finished her studies and started this dance company with her friends Emma and Hazel, her father asked me to join in this company. So I did."

"Oh, that means you must be here for a long time, I guess." Joe said.

"Yes, I have been working with Mr.Rob for last 24 years. At that time Jenny was not even a year old." Issac replied.

we entered the building, we saw many room on either side of the hall. On each door there was a board kept, on the right side of the hall saying 'CEO- Jennifer May Summer', and on the left it was 'Events Manager-Emma Williams', 'Social media manager- Hazel Davis', 'Salsa class', 'Contemporary dance class' etc.

The CEO's door was painted in black and the other all in sliver. The building was in a black, white and sliver combination. And I liked it. All this cabins were in the first floor, the ground floor was a large reception and there were many big sofas so the people could seat and wait. 

After seeing all the settings, let me tell you the CEO definitely had a good vision to set things properly.
We all are in the first floor. There was a glass wall and I was standing near it. Then I saw a black BMW M4 convertible, entering through the big gate. I saw 3 girls in it. A girl in blue shirt was driving the car and a girl in white top was sitting next to her and in the back was a girl in red and black shirt.
The girl in blue shirt caught my eyes very soon. She looked so beautiful and when I saw her coming in through the gate, something sparkled inside me. 

When the car stopped in the car porch the 2 securities ran to the car  and opened the doors. The girls got down from the car in a very stylish but very humble and down to earth manner. The 3 girls thanked the securities.
"There they are, the girls are here. You people can wait in the conference hall, the other people for the meeting has arrived too. The girls will meet you in few minutes." Issac said and motioned us to the room that was on the right side of us.
"Thank you, Mr. Issac. We will be in the room." I said to him.
We entered the room and greeted all the people waiting in the room and took our seats. As we all were waiting inside the room. I was praying to God that Whoever in that blue shirt to be a nice, humble and lovely girl. I don't know why, but I liked her at the moment my eyes were on her and I don't think if I will be able to get her out of my mind ever.
Author's note.
Here goes the chapter 2. Short chapter, I know but please bear it with me. I will try to update the next chappy very soon. Spread love you all.

Things Will Never Be The Same.(Nick Jonas) [COMPLETED.]Where stories live. Discover now