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Jennifer's P.o.v

"I think you should tell Nick that I am a gay, you know. It will clear all his misunderstandings." Tony said in a low voice.

"Tony, Nick don't have any misunderstanding, he's just angry at the fact that I didn't inform him and he had to find it out from a freaking social media." I said.

when I woke up in the morning, Tony found out that I was upset and started to ask many nagging questions so I said that Nick was angry with me. And then he started to feel bad and promised me to help me find a way to solve all the problems before he leave.Which was really so sweet of him.

"Oh, do you want me to talk to him?"

"No, Tony, I don't think that will be a good idea. I will call him later."

"Any help call me. I am going out. Bye."


~Nick's P.o.v~

"Vodka." I said to the bartender and she nodded her head.

'Nick Jonas's wife Jennifer Nick Jonas seen with a mysterious guy.'  That was all over the Twitter and all other social media. Why couldn't she just inform me about her friend coming to see her and that too the day I left for tour.

"Sir, you order." The lady said with a smirk, clearly identifying me even though I have wore a sun glass and scarf around my neck.

"Sir, you look tensed, what's the matter? Well, I came to know about your wife." She said.

"What is wrong with my wife?!" I tried to sound annoyed.

"I didn't say there is anything wrong with her. And I am sure she hasn't done anything wrong. The guy must be her friend so just chill." She said.

"Yeah." I said trying to think positively, what if he's just a friend and I am over acting.

"I guess you should call her after sometime." The lady said with a smile.

"Yes I will thanks by the way."

I said a small 'bye' and left her some tips.  I really need to talk to Jenny. But. Only after my concert.

~Jennifer' P.o.v~

"Hey Joe, how are you?"

"Hey Jen I am good, what about you?"

"Uhh, Joe I called you for a help." I said.

"Actually I need to surprise Nick so could you send someone to pick me up from the Ireland's airport?" I asked.

"Oh, wow I will do that for sure. Did you book the tickets?" He asked excitement evident in his voice.

"Yes, I did its day after tomorrow. And I will be ignoring Nick until I get there, so don't give him any hint." I informed him.

"Okay, uh Jen can I say this to Kevin please?" He asked.

"Well... I guess you can make sure he don't say this to Nick." I said.

"Okay then I will inform him and I won't say. Bye I gotta go. See you I. 2 days Jen."

"Bye Joe."

I ended my call with Joe and looked at Tony, who just gave me a thumbs up.

"So, are you ready to surprise you husband? He asked.

"Oh yes.."  I said.

We made a plan to surprise Nick and then talk to him about the small fight we had.  Till then I had to ignore him, which is gonna be so hard.

The dinner time came so fast and as Tony and I were having dinner I got a call from Nick, but I didn't pick it.

"What do think I should do?" I asked Tony, who was smirking at me.

"Ignore him, Jenny." He simply said.

"It's not that easy Tony, he's my husband." I said with my eyebrows narrowed.

"Okay, fine don't ignore him. But pick the phone and say you don't feel like talking to him or make up a small fight." He said.

"Have you gone nuts? I am surprising Nick so that I can make everything clear and now you want me to put up a small fight?" I asked half angry at Tony for giving me such ideas and confusing me.

"Oh my....Jenny look at the positive side. Now you make up a fight and then when you surprise him. He's gonna forget everything thing. Actually I have tried it with my boyfriend. It actually worked." He said with a wink.

"Okay I will do that." I said and was about to take the phone when Tony stopped me.

"Not now Jenny, not now-" I cut him off in the middle.

"Then when Tony?" I asked frustrated.

"Later when you go to bed. Till then ignore him. Completely." He said.

"Okay fine." I don't think it will be harmful to ignore I guess.

Then we are our dinner in silence. My phone ringing showing Nick's name but I forcefully looked away from my phone and that was the second missed calls now. Then I got a message instead of phone call. It was from Nick saying he wants to talk to me and he's sorry for shouting at me.

But I wasn't gonna fall for that. I want to surprise him. So again I ignored him. At last our dinner was over. Tony bring the nice person he is. Took my plate to the washbasin and helped me with washing and drying the plates and other dishes.  After we talked bit more, we thought of calling it a night and said our goodbyes and each of us went to our different rooms. Well, now it's time to call Nick, I guess.

"Jenny Which did you avoid my calls and messages?" Nick asked worried.

Gathering all my courage. I focuses on being angry and started to put up a small fight.

"Stop it Nick. You can't call me at night and shout at me then again calling me after a day to say sorry. You were being reckless." I tried to sound angry

To be honest I had no idea what to say and what I was saying. I just blabbered somethings to Nick in an angry tone.

"Jenny that's why I called you. I want to say I am sor-" I cut him in mid sentence and started to blabber again.

"Enough Nick. I can't talk to you know. I have feelings too. You can't just call me and shout me and hurt my feelings." I said that and pressed the end button.

I really felt so stupid for making such. Stupid so called fight. But I guess the so called fight is worth. I jus want to surprise my Nick.

Hey everyone, hope you all liked the chapter. Next chapter might have somethings in it. I will try to update very soon.

Love you all,

Things Will Never Be The Same.(Nick Jonas) [COMPLETED.]Where stories live. Discover now