Gone and Call

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Jennifer's P.O.V

1 week was over after the clubbing and the events  after that. Nick kissed for for the first time and  I felt something inside telling me to kiss him back and  I did. Nick's wounds were healing but he would make fake noise in pain and ask me to kiss him and take all the pain away from his  knuckles, his bruised cheeks and his lips. Things were going great between us. But every good things had end at times and that's how life's cycle is.

Today, Nick was leaving for his tour which was very long. That also meant that I would be alone in this big flat.

"Jenny, I can't find my blue shirt. Please come here." Nick called out from out bedroom.

"Nick it's there in the cupboard, look properly please." I said and stood up from the couch keeping my book down. When I went inside the bedroom, I saw Nick holding his blue shirt in his hand.

"Nick.. You knew the shirt was in here right?" I asked him bit annoyed.

"Come on Jenny, why are you so moody today?" Nick asked me clearly catching my mood swings.

"It's nothing Nick, I am just tired." I tried to make some excuse.

"Jenny, I know you don't like me leaving for this tour but-" I stopped Nick in mid sentence and said,

"I don't have any problem with you going for tour and doing what you like the most. The only thing is that, it's been only 1 month after our marriage and you are leaving too soon"

"Jenny, I know but I promise to call you as many times as I can. And I don't want you to be upset when I am leaving for the tour." He said.

When I thought about it, I understood that it's not right to be mad at him. His profession is singing and he's just going to do his job.

~~ 3 Hours Later~~
"Listen, check if you have locked the door properly before going to bed then make sure to call me if anything happened. And please take care of yourself." Nick was about to leave, his suitcase already in the car's trunk and he had been giving me instructions like lock the door and everything.

"Nick, calm down and yes I will lock the door and call you that instant if anything happens. And you too take care Nick." I said with a small smile.

"I will and Dani will be here only, you girls can hangout sometime." Nick said walking down the stairs.

I wasn't going to the airport as Nick said there would be a lot of paps. And I agreed to stay in the house because I didn't want paps to see me cry.

"I am gonna miss you. A lot.." Nick said emphasising 'A lot'.

"M..me too." I said voice slowly breaking.
I expected him to go after that but that didn't happen as he came close to me, his left hand moving around my waist and other hand under my chin forcing me to look at his face.

"I don't want my girl to cry." And he kissed me. His soft sweet lips moving passionately against mine.

"Bye Jenny."

"Bye." I said smiling.
It had been 1 hour since Nick left, but he being one of the sweetest person, called me when he reached the airport and again after his check in and immigration.

I finished my dinner, which was just cereals as I didn't feel like eating anything else. As I was sitting and watching T.V, my phone started to ring. When I took it from the table, I was flashing Dani's name.

"Hey Dani, wassup?" I asked muting the T.V.

"Hey Jen, I simply called, just wanna check how you are doing. I mean after Nick left." Dani said.

"Aha.. I am good Dani, just feeling a bit lonely in this big house that's all. How are you going?" I asked her.

"I am good, actually I am used to it. The only thing is that I am pregnant. So everything is up to the hormones. Even I can't tell about my mood swings." Dani said with a giggle.

I laughed at her answer but the she said something.
"Jenny, I want you to know that the boys are bit different from other boys, I mean their lifestyle. We should know how to take the rumors. The haters just want the boys' life to be ruined so never let the rumor ruin your life." She said.

"Yeah Dani, I will keep that in mind." I said to her.

"Okay girl, now let me sleep or I will crave for chocolate chip ice cream and there is no chocolate chip ice cream as I finished them yesterday and there's no Kevin here to buy me that, so let me sleep, good night." She joked.

"Okay Dani, take care bye." I ended the call.

I also decided to sleep as it was nearly 12:30 AM. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, charged into some tee shirt and shorts. I climbed on my bed and but my blanket on me.

I looked at the couch, where Nick use to sleep and I closed my eyes slowly drifting into sleep but suddenly I was woken up by my phone ringing. I looked at it and showed unknown number. But I decided to answer it.

"Hello. Who is this?" I asked.

"Jennifer, it's me Tonny."
Guys I know it's been so long.. Sorry but things happen for a reason right?! Even I had some reasons.. Sorry enjoy the chapter everyone.

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