"I want to kiss you"

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Jennifer's Pov.

I was currently emailing my clients about the upcoming events, Nick was sitting next to in the couch, trying to watch something and when he can't find any interesting show he would try to get my attention.

"Jenny, c'mon let's play something." Nick said.

I thought I heard wrong. Play something?!?! Really??!!

"Nick, seriously? Play?" I asked not taking my eyes off of the laptop screen.

"Why? What's wrong with playing? c'mon. Not only kids but adults can play too." Nick said in a serious tone but still pouting.

I chuckled at him and looked at him for a second before going back to my work. My phone rang and Nick took it from the coffee table. "It's Dani." He said.

I looked at him and then looked at my phone."Pick it up Nick." I said.

"Hey Dani, wassup?" Nick asked.

"Hey Nick. I am good. What about you and Jen?" She asked back in total cheery voice.

"We are good. How's Kevin?" I asked as the call was in loudspeaker.

"He's with me, Jen. I actually called you to inform about the party at a club. We will send you the location, don't even think of refusing. It's a small party for the boys and us." Dani said.

"Oh, that sounds cool. Is it okay if I bring Emma and Hazel too?" I asked looking at Nick. That question was more to Nick than Dani. But Dani replied for it.

"Of course, why not? It will be more fun. I will send you guys the location and be there by 8PM." She said.

"Okay done. Anything else." Nick asked.

"Nope that's it. Oh wait Jen can you bring me some snickers if it's there in your house. I actually ate all which was there over here." Dani asked slightly embarrassed.

I heard Kevin laughing from the background and I chuckled. "Sure Dani, I will bring." I said.

"Okay thanks. Bye." She sigh happily.

We ended the call with her and before I couldn't even blink my eyes, my laptop was snatched from me.

"Nick.." I dragged his name.

"No no more of this emailing. Let's talk if you don't wanna play with me." Nick said.

"Okay let's talk what do you talk about?" I asked him, letting him to start the talk as he was itching to talk with me.

"Uh... well I don't know, maybe..wait, Jenny what do you think about Dani? I mean will she give birth to baby boy or baby girl?" He asked looking at me, straight into my eyed, curious.

"Nick, don't look at me like that, I am not a gynecologist to know that. But I hope they have a baby boy."And be like his daddy."

Nick shook his head, " No, they will have a beautiful daughter."

"Really? what makes you so sure, now are you the gynecologist?" I asked, adding the last part purposefully just to tease him.

He made a weird face and said, "I am better being a singer than a gynecologist."

I laughed at him as he still had a weird face. But then he asked something, which I was not yet ready to answer.

"What baby you like the most, boy or girl?" Nick asked, his head rested on the back-supporting part, his head turned to my side.

I was not sure what to say. So I thought to play it safe. "I don't know. I love both boy and girl." Actually to be honest I loved both the babies. But first I would prefer a boy then a girl. So her elder brother will always look out for her.
"Now enough with this questions, give me my phone, let me call Emma and inform about the party." I said and took the phone from him.

Things Will Never Be The Same.(Nick Jonas) [COMPLETED.]Where stories live. Discover now