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Nick's P.o.v

~~~1 Week Later~~~

1 week was over after our marriage, and we were back from India. Both our parents gifted us an apartment. It was big, it had a swimming pool in upside, then there was a big hall, the kitchen was little too big for just two of us. Our room was in upstairs. It was big, our room was in dark red and white color, in the middle, there was a big king size bed. The curtains were in red color with golden coloured thread embroidery. There was a white bed net too.

Everything went well, we didn't talk much, actually we didn't even open our mouth at each other except for saying 'good morning', 'good night' etc. I use to sleep on the couch in our bedroom. I didn't want to make her uneasy. She was not going to her company now, she said to me that she would start going to her company by next month and I said that was fine by me.

Yesterday morning, I went to the studio because my brothers, myself and the management had a meeting and we finalized to do a world tour, which will start in December and end by July, that means 8 full months of tour.

But, the thing was that, after the meeting, we all went to get few drinks and some fresh air, we got some fresh air and few drinks but I forgot that I couldn't get little too many few drinks and fresh air like that as I have someone waiting in our apartment. I forgot that Jenny was waiting for me in the house. I tried to excuse myself from the boys but all were forcing me to sit for more time and I sat. Well, I really shouldn't have.

Jennifer's P.o.v

Yesterday night, Nick came at 2:30 A.M, I was pretty scared for him, I mean what if he fainted somewhere because of his diabetes or what if something bad happened to him. I was really scared and called Dani, and from her I found out that Kevin and Joe were also with him, that piece of new gave a bit peace of mind, at least nothing bad happened to him. But I was clearly mad at him, He should at least inform me that he would be late.

At 2:30 A.M, I opened the door to see the man himself, standing with his hand down, like a naughty boy ready to accept any punishment. The scene was kind of cute. But I didn't talk to him, I just kept the door wide open for him to enter, after he locked the room, I noticed that he was moving back and forth, I understood that he was tipsy and without a word, I draped my hand on his hip and we both walked to the bedroom.

As we both were about to climb the stairs, I felt a hand around my waist. It was ticklish but I prevented myself from smiling, the touch was soft and soothing.

"I am sorry" I head him say as we reached the room. I was quite because I was going to give him the best silent treatment ever.

Nick' P.o.v

I woke up in the morning with a very bad headache, I groaned as I went to the bathroom. I looked at myself and remembered everything that happened yesterday. I remembered coming very very late, I especially remembered Jenny's hand around my hip trying to balance me, she felt difficult to balance me yesterday while climbing the stairs. I was not that drunk to forget that.

"Good Morning." I said to Jenny, who was in the kitchen.

No replies came. Well that is weird she use to say morning everyday.

She turned and handed me a bowl of cornflakes. "Thanks" I said.

No replies.

I sat in the dining hall and ate my breakfast silently. I am damn sure, I didn't say anything that would upset her. Suddenly Jenny's phone rang, It showed Emma's number.

"Hey Emma, How are you?" She asked with a big smile plastered on her smile.

With each second her smile was slowly fading and a serious look took place. A look, I have seen when I first saw her in her office. The power of a CEO possessing her.

"Yeah, okay fine, I will be there in one hour" She said in a strict voice.

"- And, I want to see them there, I won't let this happened in my office." She said and left her half eaten cornflakes on the table and half ran into our bedroom.

I head the shower on. I sat in the couch, after cleaning up the bowl and table, I could feel that she was upset with me for coming late. Actually the fault was mine, I should have at least called her. But I know what to do to make her forgive me, the plan was set in my mind and soon it will be set in our balcony too.

Half an hour later, Jenny came down in black knee length dress with a small gold lining around her waist, she was putting a very light pink lip gloss and on her right hand he held her black Gucci bag.

"I have to go to the office, something has happened. Need to see if what is wrong, I won't be THAT late." She said looking at me with emphasizing 'that'.

I smile at her, and nodded.

"Drive safe, bye." I said and saw her nodding and closing the door behind her.

Time for decoration. I called Hazel and asked her Jenny's favorite flower, food, song and few more infos about her, she said everything but only after a few seconds of teasing.

After talking with Hazel I understood that I know nothing about Jenny but from today onwards I will know something or everything about my wife. Just have to wait for her and we will have our first date in our house.

Author's note-

I know it's a very small chapter,soooooo sorry, but I was having exams from sunday onwards and It will only get over on thursday. And on thursday I will update a chatpter.

Wish me luck for my exams.

Spread love,


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