"I like the sound of it."

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Jennifer's P.o.v

When I reached the office, things weren't in a smooth note. I came to find my favorite two employees fighting with each other. And I don't support fighting In my office. I personally believe that fighting only makes even small things big. You just have to sit and find a solution in which both the people have benefits.
So, when I found out that two of my workers were fighting, I gave them a lecture on how to behave in my office and warned them that if they fight again they would be fired.

I talked with Hazel and Emma about some papers and said goodbye to them as it was getting late. I remembered yesterday's night again. Nick coming late and putting his hand around my stomach and the ticklish feeling. I felt something different whenever I got close him. I still couldn't believe that Nick Jonas is my husband.

As I got in the car,  my phone rang showing Nick's name. I picked up the call.
"Hey, where are you?" Nick asked. I heard a shattering sound in the background and I also heard Nick cussing and telling 'my hand, my hand'.

"Nick, are you alright? What are you doing there?" I asked a bit panicked.

"No, nothing is wrong. I just called you to ask at what time you would reach here." Nick said in a painful voice.

"Umm.. Nick, I will be there within one hour and don't lie to me, what happened to your hand?" I asked in a strict voice.

"It's nothing just got a small cut with this glass. Nothing to worry about." Nick said.
"Okay, will see you soon." I said to him and before ending the call I head him say drive safe and a small love you which was barely audible.

I felt a small smile appearing in my face. What was happening to me.

I reached our apartment, I turned off the car and took the bag which was I kept in the seat beside me. I got down from the car and walked into the lift. I got out of the lift and knocked on the door, within seconds, the door opened and there stood Nick in grey suits with his hair perfectly combed and and his black shoes polished perfectly, but of all that the biggest smile on his face and his dark brown eyes twinkling.

I was not sure what was happening, then all of the sudden Nick took dark red roses from his behind and gave it to me as he walked close to me. He hugged me while I stood there dumbfounded.

"Jenny, I am sorry for not informing you about yesterday." Nick's breath-taking voice brought me back from the thoughts. "Jennifer, will you go on a date with me?"

"What?" Was my only reply, I didn't have anything else to say, I was surprised with all these things, all of the sudden the date, the roses and everything. What else am I supposed to do?!

"I asked, Will you go on a date with me to upstairs?" He asked with a cute teasing smile on his face, which I felt like slapping it off as it was crazily adorable.

"Yes." I couldn't say no to this beautiful boy.

His hand took mine and led me to upstairs, when my foot touched the first step, my favorite music played, I looked over Nick, who had a smirk telling 'there's more coming your way'. I shook my head and sighed at the boy, bracing myself for more.

As we reached the balcony, one waitress came and took my bag away from me, one came and took file of papers from me. In the middle there was a round shaped table with candles, the scene from here was great, slowly the sun was setting and the sky had was in a reddish-orange color. Nick being a gentleman, came behind me and drew the chair back, making enough space for me to sit. Then he sat on his chair, opposite to me.

"So, hope you like the setting. Sorry I didn't have enough time to make this more perfect." Nick said.

"No, this is perfect for, I don't think any date get more perfect than this. I really love this. And. yes, I forgive you about yesterday." I said the last part in a teasing voice. I saw Nick blushing and looking down at his hand that were kept on the table.

"Thanks, so what would you like to eat?" Nick asked getting over the blushing the part.

"I would like to take the pancakes please." i said as that was something in the menu I like the most.

"Okay." He said one of the waitress to get 2 plates of pancake, one for him and one for me.

The waitress ran to our kitchen.

"Jenny, I need to say something." Nick said a serious tone taking over his voice.

I looked at his eyes and nodded.

"Jenny, I know, our marriage happened very fast and we didn't even got to know before that. Now I guess, there is no use of not talking to each other and being angry at each other.I think, we should start getting to know each other and make this work." Nick said genuinely.

I looked at his face for some time, I observed his eyes, his eyebrows, his cheek bones, then I looked at his lips, his light pink lips. I liked him, it was more than just liking him. For the past week, I was waiting for him to say this. We needed to work this out because I needed him forever.

"Yes, I totally agree." I said hiding all my emotions so that he wouldn't understand that I was falling for him.

"That's good. I like the sound of it." Nick smiled. And my heart stopped for a second when I saw that.

The waitress came in with two plates of pancakes and I thanked her at least thousand times in my mind as she just saved me from drooling over Nick.

"So, how did you know that dark rose was my favorite flower?" I asked him.

"Well, you know, I kinda used someone's help."He said.

"Emma?" I asked.

"No, nope, Hazel." Nick answered.

I said "Oh" by making a'O' shape with my lips and Nick laughed at that.

We talked each other's likes and dislikes, Nick likes pizza a lot and he can play three musical instruments and that he can't dance. I told him about my love for dance, the mutual love for pizza and that Hazel and Emma had been my friends for practical all my life.

As we talked, Nick's phone rang and he took it.

"Hey mom, how are you? Yes Jenny is fine,I am fine too. No she is right in front of me." Nick said.

I understood that it was his parents. "What? Really? tomorrow? Wow, that's great. Can't wait to see you guys. Okay, bye. Love you, can't wait to see you all, bye mom." Nick ended the call and looked at me.

"My parents are coming tomorrow for the dinner."

Now, that's gonna be interesting.

"No problem,we can make that night memorable for them as well as for us." I said.


Author's note~

Here's another chapter. Will update more soon. BYE...

Spread love to the world.

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