Chapter 37

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We meet again.

(what i wish bellamy and clarke will say to eachother. HAVENT YOU PEOPLE EVER HEARD OF bellarke)

sotc: plug in baby by muse (bc a klaine fanfic)
& hotblack by oceanship (bc degrassi and eli and clare)


Short because, well, you know how short my chapters are.


Confusion was written all over Ariana's face when she woke up in a hospital. A horrible pain struck through her head and she reached up where a gauze lay on her that was painful to touch.

Where the hell am I?

Grabbing her phone, she looked at the time and noticed all her notifications. Twitter was outraging, and she had recieved many text messages from her brother, Perrie, and of course, Luke.

7:43 PM

Luke: (4 missed calls.)
-What the hell??
-Answer me
-Are you okay?
-I hope you're okay.
-Please reply when you see this.

Perrie: (2 Missed Calls)
-Call me when you can.

Mike: (7 Missed Calls)
-I love you.


As she quickly scrolled through her twitter feed, there were lots of tweets and even a few gossip news articles. How the hell does one faint of heights? I'm such a freaking idiot... I have people worried over fucking noth-...

Too deep in thought, she didn't even hear a nurse come in until,"Oh, you're awake!"

By the door stood a sweet looking lady who scrambled to the to check the heart monitor. "Dr. Karvington will be in soon to explain something to you."
(A/N lmao i almost wrote dr karev and now im sad bc alex and izzie were my otp :(. )

"Open your mouth, please." Ariana obliged and let the thermometer be stabbed into her mouth and it was an awkward twenty five seconds. She would've ask her what the hell is on my head, why am I here, etc, etc.. But still that damn stick had not beeped yet.

And when it did, a suprised look was on the nurse's face. "You're burning up! You have a 39.4° fever!"

Unknowingly why she forgot she was in a whole different continent, Ariana dumbly asked, "Is that even possible?!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. American. Right. Um. I think in America that's a 102° fever..?"


"Yes. Well. Dr. Karvington is coming in about twenty minutes as she... wants to talk with you about something. I'm sorry, I can't say more. I'll be back in a while with some pills for that fever of yours."

Before any other word could escape her mouth the nurse was gone.

Ariana groaned and grabbed her phone to call Luke. He is her bestfriend, after all. On the second ring, he answered. Thank god for whatsapp and wifi.

"Hey, Lu-"

"What the hell?! I have been trying to reach you all day since I heard! Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry, I just woke up. And I guess I'm fine. I just have this big ass gauze on my head and some doctor wants to talk to me about gosh knows what... You know, the usual."

"Did you like go into a coma or what? Did you hit your head?  You know Mike is worried?! So is Perrie. You're on a damn different continent and got hurt! This is-"

"LUKE. I love you but seriously? I was not in a coma. And I just fainted. I didn't get shot or anything." Ariana stiffled a laugh and smiled a little bit. I miss him. He's not just my bestfriend, he's my brother.

"I know... It's just.. Call them when you can, okay? I hope you feel better."

"Thanks, Luke.  I gotta go, though. I think my nurse is back."

As they said goodbye, the door opened and instead of the nurse in scrubs, stood a taller lady who came in with a clipboard in hand. "Hi, Ariana. How are you feeling? You took a pretty hard hit on your head..."

"It hurts a little."

Clearing her throat, she came closer. "I have to tell you something you may not want to hear. And I know it may be scary to not have your mum or dad with you while in a different country, but it is my job to tell you what is wrong...."

"Mom"... "Dad"...What is happening? Why is she wearing that upset face? Her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at Dr. Karvington. Voice trembling and cracking she asked, "Dr.. What in the world are you talking about?"

A loud clear of the throat and then it begun. "See, when you fainted and hit your head, you lost some blood. Whenever someone hits their head, we must do a CAT scan to see if there is any internal bleeding..  While looking at the ct, we detected something abnormal. Ariana..." A sigh came out, and the following was just pure gibberish, "You may have a brain tumor. And we need to do a biopsy for further inspection  to see if it may be cancer."



"I'm sorry, what?"



Disclaimer: I am [sadly] not a doctor.


tho i wish i was.

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