Chapter 31

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I am sorry I have not updated! I fainted a while ago and my mom told me to lay off my phone, an hour a day at the most.


song of the chapter: Best shot by Birdy & Jaymes Young <3

Or How to save a life by the fray


A nervous feeling bubbled up inside my stomach. As we quietly made our way to the hotel room on the third floor. The hall was isolated, most people in their rooms , making the walk agonizingly quiet and making my heartbeats sound like a drum beat.

I sucked on my lip, bringing it in between my upper and lower teeth and biting down on it. Nibbling, I gulped and bit on my lip harder. It was not until we reached the room that a tiny amount of blood prickled from the area I bit.

"I... I'll go in in a bit. I just need to call my brother." I told Niall, who was unaware of Mike being mad at me for all this. Niall nodded and unlocked the room, and went in. Pulling out my phone I went to my contacts and called up Mike.

Bringing the phone up to my ear, all that could be heard was the repetition of the ringing.

"Hi, this is Mike. Um. Tell me why the hell you called while I'm busy? Okay I'll call you later, maybe." His voicemail flooded my ears and I groaned. Pressing the end button, I called home instead. Luckily, someone answered.


"James! Hi. Is Mike there looking after you?"


"Can you pass the phone for me to talk to him?"

"No. He's ignoring you. That's why he didn't answer. Duh!"

"Fine. Just tell him I won't be coming home tonight."

"Finally you get some." James muttered, but I could hear him clear.

"James! What the hell?!" I gasped.

"Uh I'll tell him. But he's super mad dude. But okay. Love you."

"Finally! Thanks. Love you too. God this generation.." I muttered before hanging up on James. Sighing, I opened the door and entered the hotel room.

My eyes glanced around at the nice and not shitty hotel room. The lights weren't bright and were tinted yellow. When you enter, on the left is a bathroom. Nothing extraordinary for a bathroom. Then there's a bed and a desk with a swivel chair and a tv.

Nowhere is there a sofa that someone can actually sleep in. Instead, there's a love seat. Neither one of us can sleep in it.

Fuck, man.


I closed my eyes trying to sleep with Niall beside me. In the end, we both ended up sleeping here. It's not like we're actually going to do something together.

"Can't sleep?" Niall's voice filled the quiet room. I turn around to face his body and I nodded. "Yeah." I said, finally, after remembering he couldn't see me that well.

"Want to play a game?"

I couldn't help but laugh out loud when Niall asked that. My eyes closed and I rolled my eyes, fully aware he couldn't see me. "Sure, why not?"

"Okay, how about... Twenty questions?"

"How extraordinary, but okay," I laughed,"you go first."

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