Chapter 3

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-Chapter 3-

The shop was beginning to close for today. Only two hours to go. I told Perrie that it was fine and I'd go on night shift. She replied with a simple nod and told me to close up too. So that was it, alone I was. Perrie was pretty happy today since we got a surprising visitor which was a famous Disney star. Yes, occasionally we'd get famous people. It was really neat. Though,I wouldn't freak out. I mean they're still humans like myself. Only difference is that the whole world knows them. And they have cash. And fame. And talent. Okay, maybe they're different but, to me we're all equal.

I looked at the clock. 8:43, It read. Once clock strikes 10, I'm out of here. I've been taught that five minutes before its ten, I should start fixing the mini tables and stuff. That way when it's ten, I can leave.

The sound of the work phone, located in the back of the shop, started to ring. I looked at the front door and quickly strolled over there to pick it up. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was the cone delivery man.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello this is Jim from David's Cones and were just calling in to say that the cones that you have requested will be delivered tomorrow at 8 am."

"Oh okay. I'll let Mr. Edwards know. Thank you." A small 'you're welcome' from Jim was received shortly before he hung up. Knowing I forget stuff easily, I grabbed a sticky note and put it on Mr. Edwards' desk so he'd see it in the morning.

The shop usually got lonely at night since no one seems to like getting Ice-cream at this time. So usually I just sing. Right now Justin Bieber'a song 'Die in Your Arms' is constantly ringing in my head all day. I know I can't sing while I'm working, so I'd hum it instead. But since no one seems to he here right now, why not sing? I mean it helps me get it away from me.

"Mhmm, uh-huh, yeah, yeah, alright,"I hummed the intro before beginning to jam out.


[Meanwhile with famous BoyBand: One Direction]

The lads had been in the tour bus all day long. They had recently been on the road since they arrived at Mew York city a few days ago. They were heading towards Nevada where they would begin their tour. Being in the tour bus got really boring for them. So, they'd do anything to get out and smell some fresh air. Right now, they were complaining to the driver that they wanted something to sweeten their tooth.

"Alright, alright! I'll take you quickly to go get something sweet. But I don't think many places are open right now since it's nine. Just find a place and tell me." Harry being the only one on the phone, searched 'Ice cream places',

"Theres about two close to here," Harry told the driver.

"Which ones closer?"

"I don't know. There's one seven miles from here which is 'Edward's Ice Cream Shop' and one that's 20 miles from here which is 'The Ice Cream Parlor'." Harry said.

"Alright, Edward's Ice Cream shop it is. Tell me the adress." Harry went over and gave him his phone so he could put the adress onto the G.P.S. Zayn groaned as his phone vibrated. His eyes widened as he saw who it was from.

-to: Zayn

from: stupid management

Just checking in to see if you lads have already recorded the five required videos for the movie? You have until Monday to send them to us through email, just don't swear too much!-

Zayn almost screamed. "AGH!" The lads looked at Zayn. "What?!" Zayn rummaged through the bags. His hands hands moved around to find the video camera that he was looking for. Zayn showed the camera to the lads. "Management texted, and said if we finished the five required videos! We only have two and we only have until Monday to get them in! Oh and they said not to swear too much," Zayn explained to them all, eyeing Niall as he said the last part.

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