Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I got to the shop and it was packed! The line was literally up to the door. This was a typical Florida day for you. Plus today was extremely hot.

I looked to see only Perrie and Jason, a worker, working. They sighed with relief as they saw me. I furrowed my brows as they were in there regular clothes, and not their work clothes. Only hat and apron around their body.

I was heading towards the back room so I could change into my work outfit when Perrie called out,"Ariana, don't worry about changing. What we need is your help. So just put on your hat and apron and hurry!"I looked down at my outfit and grabbed the purple apron and purple workers hat that had the shop's logo on it and put it on.

In reality, I wouldn't even have this job at all. My brother didn't have to work so hard to get into a good college because he had the help of my dad. My dad used to work at a wealthy business which fed us well and supported us for our education and our necessities. That all changed three years ago. It was a typical friday night for all of us.


I was currently playing a train game with my younger brother, James, while my mom made dinner and we waited for my dad to arrive from work. He was a tough worker so by that he was usually here by around seven or eight; no later. Even though he was a hard worker, he still made time for us; like to go on vacations and spend time together. 

"Dinner's ready!" My mom called out to me, James, and Mike who was here just for today since he had a day off of college. We entered the kitchen and sat ourselves down. Before eating, we did a small prayer, then we dug in. But today me, nor James, nor Mike seem to go off to eating right away. Dad was still missing. He should be here by now.

"Mom, wheres dad?" I asked my mom. She didn't seem to know the answer, she simply shrugged. "I don't want to eat without dad. It feels strange, mom."

"Yeah, me too! Dad should be here." James complained, crossing his arms. Typical acts of a six year old brother.Mike gave mom a weird look and she returned it with a sigh.

"Just, just start to eat, okay? I'm," mom stood up from her seat,"going to call his cellphone and see what's taking him so long. Probably some mishap with the trainers.." Mom went over to her cell and dialled his cellphone. This seemed to take about 10 minutes until she finally gave up.

"Why don't you call his office?" Mike suggested. I was beginning to get worried. Even if dad was late like a day like this, he'd still answer his calls. I hope he's alright? Or maybe his phone just died?

"Yeah, let me - " Mom began, shortly before the house phone rang. She scurried over to it and quickly looked at the caller ID. She gasped. "It's the main office from your dad's work," Mom quietly whispered to us before picking it up.

"Hello?" I looked at Mike and saw he had a perplexed face. So did I. James continued eating, confused at the whole scene. I wouldn't blame him, he's only six. "

"Mark? Have you heard from James?" My mom asked my dad's friend, Mark. James, my little brother perked up at the sight of his name. "What about me, mom?" James asked, his mouth full of un-swallowed food.

"Not you James, she meant dad." Mike clarified. "Oh," James went back to eating.

"What?!" My mom screeched. The phone left from her hand as it fell to the grown. It broke into pieces and she looked at us, tears beginning to form in her eyes.

"Mom, what happened?" I asked, walking over to her. Her body fell down to the floor, stuttering and hyperventilating. "M-mom?" 

"Take James outside," Mom instructed wanting to talk to Mike. I did as I was told and told James to wait outside in the back yard. The sky was dark and there were barely any stars out. It was a strange night. Why was mom acting this way? Did something happen to Dad? Did he get fired? 

"Ari," James tugged at me. I looked down at him. He pointed to the window to see Mike crying and holding mom. "James, wait out here, okay? I'll be back in a second. Don't move." James nodded and went to go play with our dog, Lucy.

I opened the door and heard weeping. "What happened?" Mike looked up at me, unable to say words. He then controlled his breathing and said, still with mom in his arms,"Ariana, dad was going to buy some new Jersey's for the soccer team downtown. He was crossing the street when a car came and hit him. Ari, dad's dead."

-- End Of Flashback--

It was very heart breaking. Well of course it was because he was my dad for goodness' sakes. Mom didn't want to move on at first. But she happened to meet Jonathon, my now step dad. He's really nice and has a job as a banker, but with Dad's money, Mike could get into a very good college. And as dad was a professional soccer coach for the best school here, that also helped Mike with his sport's. Sports ran in the family, I guess. Since Mike is wanting to be a professional soccer player or a basketball player. And dad taught James many sports before he passed away. I loved sports too, but music has a big impact on me. I think I might have got it from my mom.

But thanks to Perrie and her dad, I have this job and can try and pursue my dreams of getting into a good music school. Even if I don't become famous, which will never happen, I can still follow my dreams. The whole reason for my YouTube channel was for me to be heard, not become famous. It's just something I loved to do. But for now, scooping icecream was the thing I had to do to get to the top.


A/N End of chapter two! Excuse that its so short, but it is very important! SUPER IMPORTANT TO BE EXACT (Hint ;) haha!) 

And thank you for the lovely comments on the previous chapter. Wow, 800 reads on just one chapter! That's extrodinarry! Thanks and comment your thoughts below! Love you! Will dedicate this chapter to first commenter! :)

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