Chapter 8

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And the winner issssss.... Makayla! Congrats @its_ariana0426
p.s. I might use one more character but the contest is officially closed. Tho don't worry, I will have much more contests :)

Chapter 8

Niall's POV

Two days have passed. It's all horrifying. The concert went horrible. I didn't have my luck without my Snapback. I keep tripping , hitting my sides, and when we did the meet up for whoever stole my snapback, a huge line was there indicating that they would try whatever they could to make me believe it was my snapback so they could have the day with me.

We were currently in the small kitchen of the tour bus. My cousin, Makayla, was here with us. She is one if my favorite cousins, although know one knows, because she really cares and has not treated me differently because of the fame.

"Oh my god!" Makayla shrieked, gaping at her MacBook Pro. Liam raised an eyebrow,"What's wrong?"

"On the news it said a man beat up a poor woman and left her unconscious!" Makayla explained, tears brimming as she remembered a memory. Wow, that's really f*cking low. Why the hell would he hurt a lady.

"Holy sh*t. Did they get hold of him?" Harry asked sitting down next to Makayla. Makayla seemed to blush and I rolled my eyes. It was obvious that she found Harry interesting, but she would always deny it. Makayla nodded slightly. "Yes, he's in jail now."

Louis shook his head. "He should be in hell."

People these days... The world has gone insane.


I was just on the couch, thinking. My SnapBack could be anywhere. It could be destroyed, someone might have sold it on eBay, it could just be kept in a closet. So how in the world was I supposed to get it back? Of course, only one person in this world has it and I intend to find out. I really don't care if they stole it, I just want it back. No matter what it takes to get it.

"What are you thinking about, Niall?" Makayla came in, a bowl of grapes in her hand which I gladly took some from her. Makayla rolled her eyes.

A long sigh escaped me. "Nothing."

Makayla glared at me. "Don't bullsh*t me. We've been cousins ever since I was born and you expect me not to know you're upset. The only thing you can do is wait, Niall. It'll come around."

"Anyways, enough of your snapback. When in the world are you going to get a girlfriend?"

"Whenever you get a boyfriend." I smirked as she blushed. She hasn't had one ever since that d*ckhead physically abused her. That was te reason why Makayla got all teared up when she heard about the woman getting beat up by the douche.

"Soo, never?" Makayla giggled.


Ariana's POV

Currently my mother is still in bed at the hospital. After I blacked out for like twelve minutes, we talked about what happened. It dawned on me that this was not the first time it happened. That was when I was furious and hurt. My mother has to be in the hospital for a week until she gets the surgery.

About the surgery.... yes well I guess college next year isn't an option. Unless I get a scholarship which I doubt. But still, my mother couldn't suffer. At the moment she doesn't know how much the surgery cost and that I am paying for it. Hopefully she doesn't find out before the surgery or else she will insist on not getting it.

Currently Mike and James are Inside while I am on the front yard with Luke and Perrie. They are my best friends and of course I can trust them, so I told them, every single thing yesterday. Perrie has been constantly checking up on me since I haven't gone to work or school. It was sort of like I was mourning, but not.

Though, the real reason she's here is about that stupid green SnapBack that I can go to jail for, for believing I stole it.

"So a few days ago Niall and Harry did a livechat that was super short concerning the SnapBack, and let me tell you Ar, he's destroyed. That thing means so much to him and I can't wait to go to the concert." Perrie sadly said as tears brimmed in her eyes. Of course my best friend was a total fangirl and was in love with these five famous guys who could care less about her. (A/n I'm making her say this and please note I do not think I one direction this way. I love them, k. It's Fanfiction)

But as she said tthat worry filled me up. "Oh my god! Perrie what if they like think I'm psychotic and put me in prison for stealing a worldwide famous guy's stupid little green snapback! Like seriously!"

Perrie rolled her eyes and gave me a mini glare. Luke still had no say into this. "Ok first, you are not going to prison. Second, it is not some stupid little green SnapBack , as you say! It means the world to him! His dad gave it to him his first soccer or football game he went to, just like your dad gave you that stupid l-" Perrie stopped herself clamping a mouth over her mouth. Tears brimmed in my eyes at the thought of my necklace my dad gave me before he was found dead. "I-I'm sorry, Ar-" Luke shook his head giving her a warning look.

Anger and sadness rushed through me. "You know what? It's getting late. I should go." I said before going inside and shutting the door behind me and slid down the door sobbing.

Mike eyed me and rushed over. "Ari what's wrong?"

"Everything's wrong Mike! Dad's f*cking dead, mom gets f*cking beat up, and I am practically going to jail for a stupid thing!"

Mike frowned. "What thing?"

"Nevermind," making my way upstairs towards my room, my phone rang.

unknown caller

I pressed answer, sighing.


"Yes hello, is this Ariana?"

"Um, yes? who is this?"

"This is Nurse Andrea from the hospital and we want to inform you that we found something about your Mother."

Immediately, I put the phone on speaker and told mike to come which he did.


"I'm sorry to say this, but, your mother has a brain tumor."




ARIANA THINKS HER LIFE IS MESSED UP BEFORE, BUT NOW.. oh lord. What have I done to my poor character..

anyways, I really want to make a trailer. Do any of you know any good programs or webs that I can make one? Besides anything for Mac since I don't have a MacBook anymore.

But if anyone of you could make me one, i would love you forever.

Like seriously.

If you're interested in making me one and in return ill make you a book cover and manip with your fav 1D boy, drop a comment and we'll talk about te trailer

I hope someone can make me one, I'm sorry it's just.. oi!

ily all!

question: what's your fav fanfic? I really need to read some new ones since the ones in my library aren't getting updated.

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