Chapter 30

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Do I have any German readers? If so, Go follow @littlebritish and also @lovesmalik bc both of them are going to translate this story into German! If you'd like to translate this story, please inbox me :)

Song: what makes you beautiful cover by the 1975 >.<

Ariana closed her eyes shut and sighed as her hair was being retouched by the stylist. Only this time, her hair would be a more tenebrous red. Nearly looking a weird brown, but still red in the sun. Almost like a wine color.

The past two days have been stressful and woebegone. Ariana and Mike are not on speaking terms due to a fight they got into when Ariana told him what she was doing.

Ariana bit on her nails as she culminated telling Mike the whole deal between her and Niall Horan. Yes she was expecting some scarcely outburst from Mike, but nothing like this.

Mike's face grew red and heated. "Are you fucking kidding me? You are not getting yourself into that, Ariana. I forbid you. What happens when it's all over, huh? Are you genuinely that desperate for the cash?! I thought you had a job! You're - " at this point, she decided she had had enough.

"Mike, this is MY LIFE not YOURS. You are SUCH A HYPOCRITE CONSIDERING YOU'RE DATING HARRY STYLE'S SISTER! And I am just FAKE dating him, okay?!"

"I cannot believe you. What happened to my sister who had some self reverence?" Mike spat and shook his head afore heading out the door.

But that's not all. Mike isn't the only one whose mad at her. Any guesses? If you guessed Luke, you're erroneous. If you concluded James, you're incorrect. If you guessed Perrie, you are right on spot.

**Perrie let out a short chuckle,"You're joking, right?"

Ariana visually examined the blond and frowned. The moment after she shook her head, Perrie stood up immediately. "Why would you do this? Ariana, why?"

"Why what?" Ariana furrowed her brows, following Perrie's action of standing up.

"How could you do such a thing?! How could you just lie to the whole world? How?"

"Perrie, Im still going to be myself, it's just fake dating, do-"

"I just can't believe you right now." Perrie shook her head in disappointment and ambulated passed a heartbroken Ariana.**

-ariana- (a/n so zouis... lol I'm not that upset bc were not all perfect. I'm just sad that I thought I actually knew them so well.. idk. sigh. continue..)

You're helping a friend, I reminded myself. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices for a friend. Even if that signifies disappointing another, right?

"Alright love," the lady doing my hair said as she culminated curling my hair and braiding some part of it. "Wait over there with Niall until we bring in the racks of apparel." She smiled and I nodded. I sighed and sat down adjacent to Niall on his phone. Putting his phone away he optically looked at me.

"Your hair looks nice."

I laughed. "Thanks... Do you always get dressed and your hair done like this?" I couldn't avail but ask. It was a ridiculous amount of cosseting for just a date that wasn't even authentic.

Niall shrugged. "Not always. Just on special days like award days or when management demands it." I nodded.

The lady,whom I forgot what her name is, came back with three habiliments racks. One with dresses, another with tops, and then the third one with shorts, jeans, and skirts. Below each rack there was a row of shoes that varied from high tips to stilettos. This is ridiculous.

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