Chapter 23

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James (I demanded picking him up from school so now he's here), Mike, and I stood before our mom.

My heart clenched at what Mike told us and only us. My mom only had a week, at the most, to live. I don't know if it was due to all the crying, but I was all out of tears. Instead anger filled me. My mom didn't have a battle to fight. She was already chosen to die. And a time was already set. It was unfair.

Hugging James from behind and soothing him from his constant sobbing, I listened to my mother as she spoke to all three of us. Her voice was crackling and as she stared at us, her eyes dropped and all life was vanished from her eyes.

"Mike, Ariana, James. Please don't cry. I know I won't get to live much longer. I-I'm sorry y-you don't have dad, but I-I know you can get through t-this b-because I love you all an-" The door opened and the doctor came in, looking at us with pity.

"I'm truly sorry to disturb, but we must change your nostril nubs."

Mom nodded and said,"Go on, you can come back later if you'd like."

After hugging her one by one, we exited the room and to the three awaiting people. Not bothering to look up at them, I went off to the elevator. I didn't want to be with anyone right now. I wanted to be alone. So when multiple voices called my name, I ignored them and pushed the elevator buttons to the first floor.


Leaning my forehead against the cool gray metal as annoying elevator music played, I broke down. It'd just occur to me that my mom wouldn't be here with us in a few days. Just like dad. But now, neither of them were going to be here.

I dabbed at my puffy eyes, that no doubt had mascara smeared, as the elevator opened for the first floor. I went to exit. The weather had changed slight. It was still hot but the cool wind made up for it.

Thinking back to today, I realized how I thought feeling right about Niall was a mistake. Maybe it did feel right about opening up to a new friend, but right now I thought otherwise. I don't want to meet or open up to someone new because they'll die. You're going to love them and then they die.

I only have 5 people left who I love, one is nearing the end, I can't afford to loose them and I can't afford to love someone new. I just can't.

Jogging to the alley, I pulled out my phone sniffling. Looking for Perrie's number. When finding her number in my contacts, my finger decided if to call her or not. I ended up not because class was still in.

Sliding down against the wall, I sighed and held my head in my hands. A pair of white supras came into my perspective view, and they were shuffling.

Peering up from my position, I looked to see clear blue eyes looking right back at me. Sighing, my head fell against the brick wall. "Are you okay?" Asked Niall, kneeling down into a weird position.

"Just peachy." An undertone of sarcastic-ness filled my voice.

"Look, I was just asking! I have no idea what the hell is happening, so give me a break."

Pushing my self up, I faced him as he kneeled up. I might sound like a bitch, but i seriously don't want to even talk to him. I can't open up to someone I barely fucking know! Even though I may like him a bit, I can't let him in my life.

"Why don't you just go back to your celebrity life?! Why do you care about my life? Haha funny question. You don't care because you're just a celebrity who doesn't have worries." That last part might've been a lie, but he honestly doesn't care;he's a celebrity.

It was evident that anger filled him. His cheeks were no longer the usual pale, but blotched with red; eyes were darker and he stood much taller than I thought he could. "Harry was wrong! You're nowhere near nice. Your such a-" before he could finish his sentence, I blew up.

Niall had no fucking idea what I was going through. And right now, I honestly don't care if I was opening up to him more than I should because I was fucking furious.

"Want to know what's fucking wrong? My dad is dead, he died by getting hit by a fucking vehicle. My mom is dying and only has a fucking week at the most to live. So there, that's what is wrong!" I yelled at him, before my legs began to run, angry tears trickling down my face.


Well... I can see why some of you may not like Ariana right now.

Anywho, I made 2 special videos bc of all the reads. They may not be good because making videos isn't something I'm good at(including many other stuff.)
But, both are in both Nialls POV and Ariana's POV.

QUESTION IS, which one would you guys like to see first? One requested most Is the one ill post in the next chapter, and then later on ill post the other one. :)

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