Chapter 14

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Everyone gathered around the large cake. The decorations on the cake consisted of white vanilla frosting, small rose petals, and neatly aligned on the center, written in perfect hand frosted writing, displayed "HAPPY BIRTHDAY PERRIE" along with 19 candles. The candles danced as the room filled with darkness, only lit up by the fairy lights and the flash of the camera going on.

They had arranged a surprise party for Perrie, after two hours they were down to the part where it almost ended. Cake time.

All together, they sang the overrated song when one turned a new digit. In a somewhat perfect pitch, they all sang. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Perrie, happy birthday to you! Yay!!" They applauded and upon her face that glowed with the candle lights, Perrie etched a grin. Flash.

Perrie blew out the candles, in her mind wishing for something only she could keep with her.

It was now the end of the party. Red cups, coke cans, wrapping paper, tissue paper, paper plates, and all sort of stuff was scattered around the floor. Perrie sighed a happy sigh. It was a great birthday and was happy despite the trash she would have to clean up. Plus Luke and Ariana helped clean the place up until it was (sort of, okay not really) spotless.

All three of them fell on the floor. They were staying over since tomorrow they left to Miami and got a hotel and then to the concert. Right now they just rested, looking at the fairy lights surrounding them.

A love song came on and Ariana groaned. After everything that has happened, she had growed out of the stupid cheesy love songs. And all the ones she had written, she regretted. She felt as if some men weren't trustworthy and that love was something fake. Of course she believed in family love but not a couple love. It felt as If it could take ages for her to truly believe someone. She just had that perspective on men and love.


"God, I'm so happy! After tomorrow you get to meet Mikey and his sister!" Gemma chirped at Harry. Harry groaned. He did obviously want to meet this mystery guy who his sister loved alot; though he was not too sure about the lad's sister. Maybe she too wanted to meet Gemma, but why would both siblings of the lovers have to meet? What if they didn't get along?

Harry sighed. "What does this guy look like?"

"Can't tell you, Harry. We made this promise that we'd surprise each others siblings. I came up with it. Genius aren't I? Oh and just don't bring up the family discussion when were there. Okay?"

Harry furrowed his eyebrows, confused. Did this bloke have a drug addict family, and that is why he didn't want to discuss it? Or what? "Why not?"

Gemma exhaled. It wasn't her story to tell. She couldn't just tell Harry everything that was wrong with Mike and his family. But inside, after knowing Harry all her life, she knew that her brother would not listen to her unless she gave him a reason. So she told him.

"His dad died, his mum has a brain tumor and was physically abused by a man." Quietly said Gemma. Harry's lips parted. He didn't press any further, but felt pity for the poor lad. Harry sighed.

"Does he know about me?" The curly haired guy changed the topic.

"Not at all." Gemma giggled.



so I'm sick. And I wrote this really fast. Next chapter is the concert.... sorta.. ;D what happened to y'all? :c

Qotc: what do you think will happen at the concert?


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