Chapter 21

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Niall's POV

Stars scattered the sky above. The plane had just gone up in air. It was nine o'clock. The three of us had individual seats due to first class.

For once I was happy we were treated like this. I had no desire to speak to anyone. Guess I'm on a guy period.

Plugging in my earbuds to my ears, I played some music and went to twitter. Going to DMs, I made a new DM to Ariana. It wasn't that late, I don't think so. It's nine here, so it must be around four there? I dont know, I didn't take science! (❓❗😂)

Hey, it's Niall here.

Truly, I had no idea where this was going and why I even bothered. After a few minutes, a reply came.

Hi, Niall. I got the email.

Oh, cool ! Sorry if u had any plans thru 8 - 5. Oh & I heard Gemms is your brothers gf ?

I actually did have plans: school. Lol, but it's fine...I think. And yeah, she is.

How did it never occur to me that she had school? I'm 100% sure that the fame has not gotten to me, but how did I forget? Just because I have a break, that's now not such a break, doesn't mean she is on holiday.

And then my phone dies.

Bloody great! Goodness, I sound British.

Sighing, settled back into my somewhat comfortable chair and pulled over a blanket, keeping the earbuds in just because. The low rum of the airplane, and some people chattering the background made me fall into a slumber.

A couple of hours later, we were at our hotel. Some stuff that had happened before was such a blur. I don't even remember getting of the plane.

Harry and I had to share a room whilst Gemma got her own, her being a lady. The good thing was that there were two beds in the hotel. Not wanting to go to bed, I snuck out of the hotel after Harry had gone to bed. Not risking chances of any of the guards seeing me, I went through the back door that led to the pool.

There were quite a lot of cars going through the city of Miami. Something weird about those big cities like Los Angles, Vegas, Miami and such share is that they never sleep. It could be four am and cars will be on the road or at a petrol station.

Not exactly knowing where my destination was located, I wandered around. Looking around I kept on walking.

It wasn't long until I found my destination. Bright neon lights adorned the 'NIGHTCLUB' sign above the place. Entering it, a EDM song played and people danced around. I didn't come to shag someone or anything. I just wanted alcohol really badly.

Heading over to the bar, I ordered six everclear shots. As the clear liquid flowed down my throat and esophagus, it stinged. Cringing, the next shot flew down. It had been quite a while since having any alcohol. There was no reason why I was drowning myself in alcohol. I guess I just like that it blurs your mind. Not drinking the two shots left, I paid the man and left the nightclub despite some people yelling my name. Guess I got noticed.

The sidewalk beneath me was blurry. The defined cracks didn't show up in my vision, instead blurred squiggly lines. That went with the lights; they were fuzzy. Seeing the familiar hotel, I entered through the backdoor and went up to hotel room. Careful not to wake up Harry, I got into bed and fell to sleep in a heart beat.


Ariana's Point of View

So Mike being back in college, he couldn't boss me around. So, when my alarm rang, I had no rush to get to school. To be quite honest I'm happy about this. This made me realize: why bother going to school? I already know I'm graduating Since they told us, and besides, I don't even care anymore. I'm not going to get to go to college.

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