Chapter 27

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Song of chapter; When The Darkness Comes by Colbie Caillat just because its one of my favorites.



As I sat on the cold tiled floor, my mind went back to when I was ten or so. I once remember going shopping with my mom and dad for my birthday. They had asked me,"Sweety, what do you want for your birthday?" I had replied I wanted a pair of new shoes that were in at the moment. They were cute and every girl had them, except me.

Later that week, for my birthday, I didn't get them. I remember getting some clothes instead. Being a prissy little girl, I didn't speak to my mom or dad for the whole week.

Now that I come to think of it, I hate myself.

Because all I wish is I could've had a week more with both my parents.

Every single time I went out, I could've spent more time with them and not feel so guilty and angry with myself.

I just wish I could go back in time. But I can't.

When Luke and Perrie came, they were tear stained and sniffling. Perrie engulfed me in a tight hug and so did Luke. They tried asking me what happened and how, but all I did was shake my head and hug them.

Perrie rubbed my back as I squeezed Luke tight in a hug and rested my head on his shoulder. It may seem like he's my boyfriend, but god no, but right now I don't care. I'm so heartbroken. How am I going to face my little brother and Mike? Me and James are practically orphans.

We do have god parents, but they live in California. As much as California sounds oh so lovely and is so beautiful and there's so many good music art schools over there and I would love to move. But I have to think of my little brother. He has his friends here and all. I can't do that to him.

A loud voice echoed the hall and I turned around to see Mike, Gemma, Harry, and James. My face fell to see James normally pale face a really deep shade of red, tears trickling from him. I sped walked towards my little brother and hugged him tightly. Tears shed freely from him and I glanced up to see Mike clenching his fists.

"How?" He croaked. "Did they call and tell you?"

I shook my head and buried my head into James shoulder. I hadn't told him that I saw my mom give her last breathe of air.

I looked up to see all four pairs of red eyes on me, waiting for me to reply. I let out a choking sob. "I- I don't want t-to t-talk about it r-right now."

Mike simply nodded and came and hugged us both. It was like this for a while. My cries came harder, because, well, she was gone.

Sighing as I woke up, I grabbed my cellular phone and dialed Harry because he seemed to have left. Waiting for him to pick up, I went to go brush my teeth feeling disgusted with the after taste of alcohol.

Soon, the voicemail filled my ear and I sighed. Where was he? Shouldn't we be going to the airport? We do have the tour in a few days. We can't just stay here. I already played my part in coming to do the full day with Ariana which ended with kissing her.

My phone buzzed in my hands and I looked down to see a text from Harry.

Harry: at the hospital.
Niall: what the hell , ! why ?
Harry: She's dead.

I stared at my screen for what seemed like forever. Something inside me raced and I don't know why. I didn't know the lady. Never have I seen her face or anything. So why is there something inside me racing?

My question got answered when Harry's following text saying he would be going to Ariana's with Gemma for a while, them come back.


Her father died, she told me. And now her mothers dead. How could she have such a horrible life? Both her parents died. Blinking rapidly, I searched my contacts for the number I saved yesterday.

From: Niall
I'm coming over.


Ariana threw her phone at the wall, it shattering and cracking. Not thinking it was enough, her fist flew to the wall several times. Soon it became a bloody mess.

How stupid am I!? She yelled at herself internally.

Though, she didn't mean that about shattering her phone or punching the hard wall. What she actually meant was about when her mother said her final 'I love you' to Ariana but Ariana never said it back.

"I love you. How've you been?" She asked, running her thumb slowly over my knuckles. Her movement was slow, though. I could tell she was weak and that made my heart break even more than it was.

"Good, mom. Just missing you so much. Skipped seventh and eight period to come see you."

She never said it back.

Rage broke through when she cleared every single utensil, laptop, camera, papers, and every other thing off her desk.

Tears did not stop flowing down her face as she plopped on her bed, tightly hugging a pillow which got stained with her own blood. Grabbing her glass of water tightly in her hand, she drank some, not letting it go.

Biting her lower lip, she quietly wept. Her world was slowly shattering apart. So was her love. She started feeling so cynical about everything other than her parents.

But as she continued to think, it halted when the door creeped open and a boy she'd never expected to see was at her doorway. Niall.

When he saw her, he wasn't expecting this. Maybe her crying, yes, but not the whole room destroyed. And especially not her hand bleeding.

"What the hell? Are you okay?!"

Ariana didn't even bother yelling at him for being such an idiot. She didn't even bother lying. Instead she shook her head, her hair falling in her face, telling the truth.

Niall walked steadily over to her and took hold of her waist, pulling her up. "C'mon, let's go t...." She didn't hear the rest, her thoughts zoning her out from his words.

Niall walked quickly down the stairs and went to the kitchen where the rest were, leaving Ariana alone. He explained that they needed to go to the hospital.

While Ariana was walking down the stairs, her feet got caught on the stairs carpet in some kind of way, resulting in her tripping down. "Ariana!" Mike yelled, shocked to see shattered glass.

Ariana gasped as she felt a stinging pain in the same hand that she used to punch the wall. Pushing herself up with her other hand, she inspected her other hand. A large chunk of glass was pushed inside her flesh, blood oozing out.

At the hospital, when they were done putting a brace and tape she headed to the check out. The hospital was the last place she wanted to be. So, she left; not even bothering to tell her brother.

Mike and Niall got back from the bathroom to the waiting area. They sighed and waited twenty minutes more to see when Ariana would be done. The doctor walked passed by them, and furrowed his brows. "What are you still doing here?"

Niall and Mike looked at the man with confusion. "Waiting for Ariana to come out?"

The doctor chuckled and patted Mike's back. "What are you talking about? She checked out half an hour ago."

Hey guys, I'm sorry for not updating. School has been getting really busy!

Qotc; what's your fav tv shows?

AOTC: Switched at Birth, The Fosters, & TVD

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