Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

|| 3rd POV ||

No words could describe how Ariana and Mike felt the moment. The phone had fallen out of her hand, cracking. But she could care less at the moment. They exchanged a look and immediately began to sob in each others arms. neither one of then knew what to do. Both wishing it was just a fake nightmare and would soon wake up.

She needed her mother. Mike needed his mother. James needed his mother. They all needed their mother.

A day later, they visited their mother. All four of them - including James - cried. Their poor mother looked up at them and have them a half hearted weak smile. "At least I'm not dead, right? But don't you worry," she sniffled looking at her three children,"I'm going to be strong."

James somehow found a smile playing on his lips, as he was an oblivious ten year old boy who didn't know much about tumors. Mike and Ariana on the other hand, they knew that behind that fake smile, their mother was in pain. After all that has happened so quickly. Not even in less than 5 years, their father is dead, their mother gets beat up, Ariana has her first real fight with Perrie, her mother receives a brain tumor, and let us not forget she has a very worthy SnapBack in her bag that another poor boy wants.

All that in less than 5 years.


Meanwhile, on the road was Niall Horan with his cousin and bandmates. They on the other hand, weren't having a breakdown. Instead they were eating together, a breakfast made by Harry and Liam that consisted of eggs, sausage, and pancakes. For drinks they all just had cups of orange juice.

The news was playing in the background. Niall was having a nice start of the day, until the mention of his SnapBack was brought up on his news. He stopped eating and went towards the television, turning it up slightly.

"Alright! So recently boy band member Niall Horan has had his SnapBack stolen! Who would do such a thing! Anyways, Niall an Harry had announced earlier this week that whoever gave Niall back the SnapBack, he would return the gesture by taking them out for a whole day! Now, that is an amazing thing! but the thing is, who has it? We dunno. So ladies -or gentleman- if you have a clue where in the world it is, the boys are doi-"

The television was turned black and Niall looked up to see Makayla with the remote , shaking her head. He sighed and tried walking past her.

"Niall, c'mon. We're going out for a while, okay?" Niall shook his head and tried to pass her once again, yet failed.


"Niall, lets go. This beautiful place in Florida won't show itself now will it?"


Perrie and Luke furrowed there eyebrows as they hasn't seen Ariana for the past 2 days. Perrie frowned. "Is she really that mad at me?"

Luke thought for a moment. "No, she would still come to school. Ariana isn't like this. Something must have happened." At this moment they were both worried. They knew she was upset about her mother, but didn't think she would miss school.

"Should I go visit her?" Perrie said aloud, meaning to think it in her head, not share to the world. Luke shook his head. "I dont think so, I mean she isn't on good terms with you. How about this, I go visit her during lunch. Okay? and ill tell you what's up."

Despite the hurt Perrie felt, she nodded. All she wanted was for her bestfriend to be okay, even though they weren't on speaking terms.

Later that day, at noon, Luke got in his car that he had been given last year and drove off to Ariana' house. Getting out of his Chevy, he made his way to the door and knocked a mini rhythm and stepped back. After a few seconds, an Ariana with red bloodshot eyes in pajamas looked at Luke. He gaped at her. "W-what are you doing here, Luke?" she sniffled.

"Can I come in?"

A hesitant ,"sure, " managed to escape. They made their way to the living room. It was oddly quiet. After all, Mike and James were visiting the hospital. Ariana decided to not go, it would only break her heart more. If that was possible.

"Are you okay?" Luke looked at his best friend with sympathy. He truly cared about her. No, not in the 'I'm attracted to you and I care about you' way, but the 'I love you, you're my bestfriend' way.

At that moment, she lost it. She began to break down. Luke hugged her as she cried onto his chest. "What's wrong, Ari?" he rubbed her back.

"Luke, I-, m-my mom... she..she has a brain tumor!" Luke stopped and his breathe hitched. Her mother was a very nice lady and treated him like her son. A tear escaped Luke's eyes, then several followed. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, Ari."


sorry it's so short and all over the place.

qotd: what languages can you speak?

I speak English, Spanish, a bit of French, and learning German :)

Oh and I dont know if sign language counts, but I learned it. So yeah.

ツ Luke is so caring I love him ツ

-but no, this isn't a Luke and Ariana story, lol. It's a Niall fanfic, so... yeah ;)

✿Go check out my harry styles fanfic, LOVE AGAIN. I love writing it. ✿


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