Chapter 17

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Ariana's POV

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Perrie gasped and Lukes eyes flew open. I dropped to the celebrities side and looked for a heart beat. Okay, the good thing is he's alive. I looked back up to Perrie and Luke, startled. "Don't just stand there! Go get someone!"

"Oh!" Off they went. I shook my head and rolled my eyes, stuffing the SnapBack back into my purse so I would not lose it. Hopefully when he came back and Id give it to him, he would not faint again.

Shaking the poor guy a bit, feet padding the floor came closer, and I peered up. Harry Styles, a broad security guard, a pretty girl, Luke and Gemma came.

The girl who I didn't recognize and Harry Styles gave me a look as If they had recognized me. Although I had met Harry Styles, I had no utter clue about the female beside him. Probably his girlfriend?

"What happened to Niall?" Spoke the broad security guard.

I exhaled a fresh breath of air before explaining. "Well you see, here I am talking to him, telling him that when one direction came into an icecream shop I work at, he had left his SnapBack there. So I take it out an-"

"Wait you have his SnapBack?!" both the pretty girl and Harry Styles exclaim, shock evident on their faces. To be honest, they look like siblings with their expressions similar.

I just nod. "As I was saying, I take it out and was going to give it to him, but he faints. Oh and I'm not a fan, sorry, but like I didn't steal it okay so please don't arrest me I still have dre-"


Is today interrupt Ariana day or what the heck?

Niall groans and props himself on his elbows, rubbing his eyes. "Wh-what happened?"

"You fainted." All of us chorus.

He gave a look of astonishment. "Why?"

"Because of," I pulled out the SnapBack, it dangling from my pointer finger," this."

Niall gaped. His mouth fell opened, his teeth covered by noticeable clear braces showed. His eyes flickered toward my eyes and reached towards his belonging. When his hand reached towards the SnapBack, his fingers lightly brushed against mine as he retrieved it. I suppressed a gasp, at how odd the touch felt. They felt almost tingly.

Looking up to the celebrity's eyes, it dawned on me; Niall Horan's snapback meant alot to him as much as my necklace my father gave me meant to me. What I had said was not true. It was not a stupid hat that meant nothing. He could not get it back if it was destroyed. There wasn't one the same, he had gotten all those signatures with his family, it held memories.


"You left it at the ice cream shop that same day you guys went." I have no idea why, but it was hard for me to talk right now. So I chuckled nervously.

Before I knew it, I was in a tight bone crushing hug. A dozen 'thank you's murmured into me, and soon a choking sob was heard. Not knowing what todo, I embraced the heavier celebrity, his weight subsiding above me.
It ended soon when a clear of the throat filled the quiet air. I wasn't sad it ended though, it was just a hug.

Getting the idea, and not glancing at anyone, I looked down and said to Perrie and Luke,"Okay let's go."

Before they could respond, I was going out to the parking lot in the maze like arena, forgetting the need to pee. A huge lump in my throat bothered me. I had the overwhelming desire to cry, but I had no idea why. Or at least that's what I kept saying to myself.

The real reason is, that celebrities are normal people. I've known that. But, god this may sound so freaking rude, I had no idea they had feelings. I mean, I do know they have feelings, just not those type of feelings. I'm so stupid.

Seeing that Niall Horan had lost one of his hats, that held so much more meaning than anyone could think it did, and then him act on stage that nothing was wrong. That's the real reason I felt my heart ache.

Celebrities have bad days, but can't show it like the rest of us, just to make their 'fans' proud.

Gosh. I'm so ignorant.

As I met the cool air, I finally acknowledged that there was no one by me. I had expected Perrie and Luke to be trailing behind me. Guess I thought wrong.

Fetching out my cell, I texted Luke and Perrie in my group chat.

To: Perrie; Luke;
Where are you ?!

Following a few seconds, my phone vibrated twice.

From: Perrie;

From: Luke;
Perrie is taking pics with curly dude, buzzcut guy, other brunette, blondie, and her supposedly husband. they asked me if they thought I was her boyfriend. I said no. but at least they didn't think I was a fan or gay. Meet u in 5, Perries mad u interrupted. lollll bye.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that they came out. Perrie had a grin that was so gigantic, you could it the freaking titanic in it. She screeched, coming over to me.

Confused, I asked, "Why are you so happy?"

Still with a huge grin and jumping up, she replied," I took pictures with all of them! And Niall had his hat on, Liam was so sweet, Harry smelled oh so delicious, Louis gave me a hug, and oh my god! Zayn gave me a kiss on the cheek! Ariana, he bloody gave me one and I didn't ask for one! And Niall and I were talking an-"

"Okay! I get it, you're happy," I chuckled and yawned,"but can we go, I'm tired after what happened."

"Same." Luke agreed. "But eff you, no girls came and talked to me!"

"Oh well! You'll live."



not too happy with this chapter, but decided to update. I loved your comments on last chapter, keep it up. ;D

yamaqtt(you ask me a question this time) Ask me a question about any character, and ill reply!


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