Chapter 34

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Oh gosh. Instead of making a long grammatically incorrect paragraph as to why I have not been able to update, I will just say one word - school.


The song of the chapter is Beneath Your Beautiful by Labyrinth or 'cover' by Lauren Platt.

((btw GO LAUREN ))


"I.. Well... Just kiss me."

I always thought the term butterflies in my stomach was so cheesy and seventh grade like, until now. It's still sort of incorrect, though. Not butterflies, more like huge moths flapping (or fluttering?) around.

When a guy or girl cheats on their partner and say," I swear it didn't mean anything - it was just a kiss." It isn't true. I believed kisses didn't mean anything until right this second. Kisses mean more than anything, even just a small press to the lips.

In books authors always describe kisses in such a passionate way. But in my words - there is none to describe a kiss like this. Every kiss is different for each and every other person - none are the same.

Hands against cheeks, hands against hips. Lips pressed upon each other and two minds thinking the same. Mine perhaps tweaked differently with a wild thought that I wish could be vanished.

Then there's my conscience battling with me with crazy ideas that I don't know which to understand.

Don't get attached to him. People always leave - one way or another.

Stop thinking and continue kissing him you idiot.

The kissing led to making out. My heart began racing and it felt odd. Stop kissing him. Just stop. People always leave. It wasn't until my back knees hit something and we tumbled back that I ceased and looked at Niall with an odd look. "What are you doing?"

Niall, perplexed, raised an eyebrow at me. "What do you mean, "What am I doing?'"

Standing up the words jumbled out of my mouth as my heart continued to race. "Did you just say those ridiculous words out there so it could lead to sex? I- Is that what you wanted- sex? Because if so, I am not the one for that. I'm not your toy and just admit it that you're just using me. I- just - I can't do this. You and me - nu uh."

"Why are you so freaking stubborn? Can't you really see that I like you? And it actually hurts that you think I would ever use you or anyone like that. I'm not like that. Can't you see that?" Niall huffed out and tugged his hair, looking up.

"No I can't see that! I don't want to!" I began to yell.

"Why not?!" His face was red, a few freckles here and there. His eyes - blue as ever. Is there a reason as to why I can just stare at his eyes forever? Is there eyes as lovely as this? I don't think so.

No. I hate his eyes. I have to.

"Have you seen mostly all the people I care about? My dad, my brother, my mom, my best friend, Niall! They either hate me or are gone! People always leave, one way or another. I can't just expect you to be different. Hell, it wouldn't even surprise me if James and Luke hated me! I'm sorry but it's true. I hate that people I care about leave." I hate that I'm in love with you and know you're going to leave one day.

"But don't you see? You're wrong. Your parents - they loved you and that's life. There's nothing you can do about it, but know they loved you. Your brother and best friend? You know for sure they love you, Ariana. As for James and Luke - you know they'd never do that. As for me? You're 100 percent wrong. I won't leave. Hell, you want me to right now, but that's not happening. It might be hard to comprehended, but know that I do care for you. You get me in some crazy way. This isn't for sex. I would never pressure you to do it if you didn't want to. Just know - I care, more than you'll ever know."

e o c (end of chapter)


If you're like 169% done with Ariana and her quick mood swings and drama remember that; a) she's dealt with the loss of her parents b) she has a crappy best friend (ex best friend?) c) she's bipolar d) It's hard for her to get close to someone knowing that something might happen to them.

so yeha.

Question of chapter; Top 7 TV Couples (that are together or you just wish they were) IN ORDER 1 BEING TOP COUPLE [these are top but I love all my other 17282928272882 TV couples]

7. Lindsay & Nick (FREAKS & GEEKS)
6. Kurt & Blaine (GLEE)
5. Brooke & Julian (ONE TREE HILL)
4. Callie & Brandon (THE FOSTERS)
3. Nathan & Haley (ONE TREE HILL)
2. Chuck & Blair (GOSSIP GIRL)
1. Max & Liz (ROSWELL)

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