Chapter 5

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-Niall's Viewpoint-

A loud car horn was the reason I woke up. So fast, that I hit my forehead on the bunk above me. A groan escaped my lips. I rubbed it as my hand soothed over the pounding area. The crusty saliva beside my cheek was taken off as I took a shower.

After exiting the unit and changing, I went over to Louis and Zayn who was slouched on the couch watching the video we recorded last night. "That girl was quite fit, dont you think Zayn?"

Zayn nodded his head. "Yeh, she was fit alright." I rolled my eyes chuckling as I asked where were we. I had woken up pretty late since I sleptaround 2 am watching videos. And by all the movement, and me constantly bumping my head as the bus jerked, I'd assume we were quite far.

"We're almost there only ten hours," Louis answered my question.

"Wow, seriously? That was fast."

"Woo! I wonder if she's single. I mean she's fit and has a great voice, how much can it get better?!" Harry commented out of no where. My jaw tensed for some reason and I tried to block him out. He always wanted to date every fit girl we met. It was really annoying at times. Of course he wouldn't date them all, he'd just comment on them and follow saying 'I should ask her out.' Yet that rarely happened. So I had no clue why I was angry. I'm just rambling. Ok I'll stop.

"You lot ready for the show on next Sunday?" I changed the subject adjusting my sweatpants.

"Yeah! Nevada is amazing! Can't wait for LA and Miami though. Those will be sick."

As I went back to my bunk looking for my lucky SnapBack, realized that it was no were to be seen. The blood of my face vanished. Thinking it was probably somewhere else, I searched the entire bus. Nothing was found.


Ariana's Viewpoint

My ears couldn't believe it. I was holding the SnapBack of a famous star. What surprised me was all these signatures. They were fascinating and reminded me of my dad who would always watch soccer on the television while Mike and I tagged along. You see I was quite a daddy's girl.

Anyways, I blinked and spoke up. "Perrie I am returning this. Or else they'll believe it's theft! They might think I was some psychotic directioner, no offense, who tried to steal that guys SnapBack! I do not want to go to jail. I am perfectly fine here. So h - "

"Okay!" Perrie exclaimed shutting me up. My eyebrow raised at her. "I have an idea."

My hand lured her to continue speaking. For once I was glad she had an idea. Though Perrie is my best friend she sometimes is pretty delusional and gets carried away.

"Remember how I got those One Direction tickets for you me and Luke?!! Well we can just go to Paul and ask if Niall is there and we can like then go for a cup of coffee! Oh my god and then I can maybe meet Zayn!! What if he - "

"Perrie this is reality! We can't just walk up to some utterly famous popster and expect them to notice us!They have thousands of girls throwing themselves at them. Li.... Wait. Wait, that's actually a good idea. Wow, thanks. " I sat flabbergasted.

"You know you underestimate me a lot."

A/N oh my god this is probably the shortest chapter in mankind. I am so sorry but when I was writing on my tablet I didn't hit save and my entire writing disappeared :'(. And I couldn't fit what was about to happen in the next chapter. It wouldn't feel right. But in the mean time if you are a Harry girl, go check out my story "LOVE AGAIN" it only has 2 chapters but I promise it gets good. at least I hope.

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PS; love you all. tysm for 25.7 k !!

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