Chapter 32

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«song of the chapter: cough syrup by young the giant or by darren criss ❤»

My eyes lingered the dark alley that was only illuminated by a lampost every few feet as rain poured down, soaking my thin sweatshirt and sneakers. Graffiti splattered the two never ending walls on each side of me. It was oddly quiet; no car horns or the light sound of a car running or speeding on the gravel, nothing.

Before I could walk forward, strong arms held me back, and I tried escaping, but failed. I attempted to scream, but no sound could be made.

Struggling and still attempting to scream, I felt a hard cold metal against the right side of my head, and my heart started beating faster than ever.

Infront of me appeared two people; Perrie and Mike. Both of them were tied up and duct tape covered their mouth. On each side of them stood men covered in all black, even their face. But in each of their hands was a shiny pistol, ready to be shot.

Both men simultaneously raised their guns to Perrie and Mike's temple. I screamed, finally being able to but before I could proceed to kick myself out of the man holding me - BOOM, BOOM!

Breathing heavily, I woke up, feeling the sweat on my neck and my hair sticking to it. Gulping, I looked at my alarm clock and let out a sigh as it was only 8 am. Knowing I'm not going to get sleep anymore, I grabbed my phone and went on twitter.

For the past two weeks I've been getting that same dream every night. And as much as both my brother and Perrie hate me, I still love them with all my heart and would never, ever want anything
like that to happen to them.

Scrolling past a few rude tweets, I exhaled. Ever since a month or so ago when I was seen out with Niall at the restaurant and hotel, I've been getting so much hate on twitter and even my YouTube. I clearly saw this coming; when you're 'dating' a famous celebrity, don't expect the world to be oh so glamours, because it's not. Reality sucks.

And yeah, 'dating'. Apparently kissing doesn't mean anything these days anymore.

Rolling out of bed, I went to my closet to get out an outfit for the rest of the day. After choosing, I went off to shower and what not.

I knocked on James' door, but knowing he's clearly not awake yet, I shook my head and left. Going outside, I locked the door behind me and proceeded my walk. After walking in my converse for five minutes, I got near the little shops near home and decided I wanted a nice cup of coffee. It was just a round the corner, anyways. Though, before proceeding, my phone vibrated and I sighed, pulling It out and continued walking while reading my phone.

«James: I heard you go out. Where'd you go? Off with your boyfriend?
»Reply; No James, I went out to go get coffee. 😒 Do you want something while I'm around here?

«James: No thanks. ☺ But can I go to Kian's today at 6?
»Reply; Idk; we'll see. 😏

«James: Ugh you're no fun. Bye. 👐
»Reply; love ya bro😘😊😉

I couldn't help but break into a smile. My little brother is so annoying, but I love him so much. No matter how far he pushes the annoying buttons, he's still one of the reasons I've got to smile in life.

Since I was clearly not paying attention to where the hell I was going, I felt myself crash against someone else, causing my phone to slip out of my hand. "Oh my gosh, I'm such- oh my god. No fucking way. Ariana??!"

I looked up to see a pair of familiar green blue eyes and brunette set of hair that I haven't seen since a long time.

I gasped and my eyes grew wide; pure joy and shock filled my entire body. "Brian?!" Instead of picking up my lying iPhone that was now probably cracked and didn't work, I wrapped my arms around Brian, and squeezed him hard.

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