Chapter III

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:::One afternoon in Jessica’s boutique:::

“Jessie! Our pink wedding was featured in We Got Married magazine!” Tiffany came running and squealing towards Jessica who was looking over a few possible flower arrangements for their next client.

Taeyeon came running after Tiffany excitedly, “This is really good for our business! Apparently Sooyoung recommended you to Sunny, the editor-in-chief.”

“Sooyoung did that? Hmm...Guess she’s good at other things aside from flirting, dancing and eating.” Jessica said as she suddenly remembered her dance with Sooyoung and how she felt slightly feverish at that time. 

Shaking her head to get rid of the images, Jessica got the magazine from Taeyeon who was jumping up and down. And true enough, both of her and Tiffany’s names were on the index as well as a picture of their past clients smiling with background of the wedding they just designed a few weeks ago.


“Late reaction much? Quick! Open it! Yoona only dropped it off this morning.”

Jessica opened the magazine in anticipation. Inside, more pictures of the wedding were evident as well as the candid ones that clearly had Sooyoung’s touch in them. Even Jessica grudgingly admitted that the pictures were beyond artistic. Smiling widely as she read the positive comments of the writer, Jessica made a mental note to thank the shikshin.

As she turned the last page of the article however, all joy vanished from Jessica’s face as the sight of her embarrassing pictures during the wedding glared vividly at her from the glossy pages. Sooyoung never missed a single one as all of her “moments” were there including the one where she was on all fours on the floor when she fell down to the one where she was bawling her eyes out during the ceremony. There was even one where she was weirdly crouching in a none-too-feminine manner as she blocked the rest of the bride’s maids in trying to catch the bouquet.

“Oh wow, she even took a picture as you were falling down! Nice...Ouch!” Taeyeon gasped in pain as Tiffany elbowed her to shut up.

“Come on Jessie, it’s not that bad right?” cooed mushroom as she looked over Jessica’s shoulder.

Tiffany tried to stop herself from laughing out loud but failed miserably as she saw Jessica’s picture standing up with her hands in the air when she suddenly shouted “I DO” graced the very top of the page with the caption “Bride’s maid lost her mind, got carried away”

Both girls suddenly stopped giggling as they saw Jessica’s expression. “Uhm...Jessica...?”

Taeyeon cringed and quickly ran away from the room while Tiffany ducked for cover as Jessica’s face turned from its normal hue to red and then to purple faster than christmas lights.



:::At Sooyoung and Yoona’s studio a few blocks away:::

“AHH CHOO!!!! *sniffs* Hmm...someone must have been thinking of me... *shrugs* Must been one of my flings...”

Sooyoung once again turned to the blushing girl beside her and grinned suggestively, “So...where were we?”

“Yah! Stop flirting with under-aged customers Sooyoung!” Yoona shouted over the counter just as Sooyoung leaned in to whisper at the younger girl’s ears.

“I was just telling her how to pose for her portrait Yoona! Sheesh! I don’t just flirt with everyone in sight...”

“Whatever. I just don’t want us to be sued under the grounds of sexual harassment and rape just because you can’t keep your hormones in check.” Yoona exclaimed as she went in to make sure Sooyoung doesn’t do anything to jeopardize their studio’s reputation as well as the virginity of their current.

Yoona Yoona Yoona,,,Rape is when you force someone to do it. And I, Choi Sooyoung, don't have to force anyone.” Sooyoung said casually as she turned her camera to the their customer.

“Lean a little forward honey...perfect!” *click*

“I heard Sunny came back from the States yesterday.”

“Yep! She called me last night.” Sooyoung smiled before looking to their client once again. “And now look side ways, no don’t smile. Keep that serious sexy face on...There!” *click*

“And so? You gonna get back together?”

“Hmm..I don’t know Yoona. She’s a little to clingy for my taste. And you know how I don’t like relationships. Smile honey!” *click*

“But still, she’s like the first one whom you’ve had a serious relationship with. Why let it go?”

“Hmm...Last...*click* There, we’re done! I guess I’ll be seeing you later princess.” Sooyoung winked at the girl who just mumbled incoherently and ran out of the studio as red as a tomato.

“Y-y-you’re gonna have a date with a high school girl?!” Yoona gasped, scandalized as the question she asked was left forgotten.

“What the heck are you talking about?! She’s going to come back here later to pick up her pictures! My god!”


:::House of Jessica’s dad:::

Jessica was unusually quiet as she stabbed her steak vigorously in annoyance, her pictures in the magazine keeping her from joining the conversation. As was ‘tradition,’ she was at her dad’s house at a family lunch that they’re required to have least once a week together with their relatives. Her two aunts were there as well as her cousins and younger sister, Krystal. Sighing imperceptibly, she turned to her dad who was beside her.


“Yes honey?”

“I want to sue someone,” the whole table shushed as they listened.

“Pardon?” Mr. Jung removed her glasses thoughtfully as he’s not sure if she heard her eldest daughter correctly.

Jessica pouted and leaned on her dad’s shoulder as she gave him the magazine. “Sooyoung’s bullying me again.”

There was complete chaos as Jessica’s whole clan looked at the article with Jessica’s picture in there. It wasn’t long before the whole table was bursting with laughter at Jessica’s various poses and uncanny expressions.

“Wow! These are really good! I didn’t know you’re very athletic.” Sica’s aunt #1 exclaimed in mirth.

“Yah! It wasn’t my fault! I had to catch the bouquet!”

“Yeah, but can’t you do it with a little more poise and dignity? I mean you ARE a girl right?” Krystal asked as she looked at her sister in doubt while Jessica stuck her tongue at her.

“She’s right Jessica, I mean, how would Mr. Right find you if you’re acting like uhm...yeah...” aunt #2 just gestured to the pictures.

“Your aunt has a point dear,” Mr. Jung said in concern.

“Don’t worry, dad! I shall get married within this year!” Sica said confidently as she looked at the heavens in silent prayer.“Taeyeon! Hurry up will you?!”

“Really?! So...who’s the lucky guy?”

“Does he even know he’s going to marry you? NYAHAHAHAHA.” Krystal laughed out loud as Jessica threw a shrimp at her in annoyance.

“More importantly, has he even been born yet?” grinned her dad.

“YAH!! Don’t you guys want me to get married?” huffed Jessica pouting cutely.

Krystal quipped, “Sure we do, but we’re not really sure if that’s even possible what with your non-too appetizing pictures all over the place.”

“Remember Jessica, all the women in our family has been cursed to be an old maid if they didn’t marry by the age of 25! Don’t be like us!” Jessica’s aunt #1 raised her hands dramatically.

“And you’re already 24! Out of the three of us, only your mom has been lucky enough to find your dad! You’re about to cross the finish line!” aunt #2 sighed.

“THE FINISH LINE!” and with that aunt #1 and #2 hugged each other with tears in their eyes.

“Hmm...You know I think some of their drama has been rubbing off you Unnie. You better be careful,” Krystal whispered to Jessica as she once again pointed to her older sister’s embarrassing pictures as well as their aunts.

“I’m going to have my happily ever after! Just you wait!”


:::Sooyoung and Yoona’s house:::

“Thank god that’s over,” Sooyoung dropped her bag at the floor in fatigue and began to strip all the way to the bathroom to take a shower.

“Yah! Clean up your mess will you!” Yoona followed the trail of clothes picking them up in the process as she muttered in annoyance, “You’d think I’m living with a pig or something. A promiscuous pig at that!”

Yoona was startled from her reverie as she heard the doorbell from outside. “Odd. Sooyoung never gives our address to her flings before...”

Shrugging, Yoona opened the door only to be knocked of her feet by a big hug from someone really short.

“Yoona! I’ve missed you! Is Sooyoung inside?”

“Sunny?! What’re you doing here?”

My Happy EndingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon