Chapter 17

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“What exactly are we doing in here?” Hara yawned as she walked with Sunny at the mall.

“Shh!!!! I’m looking for....” Sunny grabbed a stuffed bunny for emphasis. “...inspiration.”

“That’s hardly inspiring.”

“Geniuses have always been defined as eccentric you know.”

“Uh huh. And you’re just plain weird. As for the genius part? I beg to disagree.” Hara smirked as Sunny stuck her tongue out at her.

“Yah...Hara...” Sunny pouted, making kitten sounds and Hara’s right eye twitched as she remembered Sooyoung’s warning about the bunny’s aegyo.

“Whatever it is, just do it!” Hara throw her arms up in defeat feeling weak at the sight.

“Yay! So you agree to have a photobooth picture with me?!” Sunny bounced as she dragged the suddenly resistant woman.

“Wha- no way!!!!” Hara whined, trying to pry her arms away but to no avail.

“But you promised!”

“I didn’t promise anything to you, stupid!”

“Who you calling stupid, stupid?!” 

“Why you-”

*Ring Ring* 

“Hold that insult.” Sunny held her hand up as she tried to find her phone. “Sunny bunny here!”

“You use your aegyo even on the phone? How freaky is that.” Sooyoung’s voice resonated through and Sunny couldn’t help but smile.

“Why do you care shikshin? For all I know you’re eating even when you’re on the phone!”

“I’m in your office! Which from the looks of it, it needs some snacks and a fridge.” 

“Is that the only reason why you called me? I’m in the middle of an important verbal sparring here!”

“Yuri just arrived.”

It took Sunny a couple of seconds to digest what Sooyoung just said. “Yuri Kwon? As in--”

“Yes, Kwon Yuri! The chef I’ve been telling you about-”

“That hot number you were supposed to set Jessica up with?”

“Yeah...but I’m not really sure....”

“Have you sorted out your feelings yet Shikshin?”

“Erm...about that...uhm...Maybe...?” Sooyoung chuckled nervously and Sunny rolled her eyes.

“I swear I’m gonna smack you silly the moment I see you.”

“But what about Yuri?”

“Why would I smack her? She’s not the one who’s overly dense to her feelings.”

“B-but! I already told her about Jessica and vice versa!”

“The question is!” Sunny exclaimed so loud Hara had to apologize to bystanders. “...Are you actually gonna let them meet?”

“...I’m not really sure...”

“How decisive...” Sunny exclaimed with her voice dripping in sarcasm. “Talk to you later Sooyoungie!”

“Yah! Sunny--” turning off her phone to cut off the shikshin, the bunny suddenly pointed at Hara.

“Yo! Wanna play cupid?”

My Happy EndingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon