Chapter 23 part 1

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Chapter 23 PART 1

:::In Soo’s pick-up:::

“I’m sorry I couldn’t walk you to your office today. I have a photo shoot I can’t miss.” Sooyoung asked turning to Jessica as she took her hand.

“It’s fine. Besides, I couldn’t work properly if you’re there.” Jessica replied pouting.

“I wonder why?” Sooyoung grinned mischievously.

“I’m serious!” Jessica smacked Sooyoung’s shoulder in mock exasperation. “We’ve been caught by the others so many times I’ve lost count.”

“Sometimes I think they’re doing it on purpose.” Sooyoung stated seriously as she gave Jessica a peck on the lips. “I’ll call you later okay?”

“I’ll be waiting.” Jessica said simply as she got out of the car.

“Sica-chu?” Sooyoung called out, her hands gripping the wheel a little tighter.

As Jessica turned around, Sooyoung took a deep breath and asked.

“If given the chance, would you like me to confess again?”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

Chuckling at Jessica’s clueless response, the shikshin just shrugged, “Nevermind. Just be game okay?”

“Game for what? Tsk. Silly Sooyoungie.” Jessica smiled to herself as she entered the boutique.

:::Right outside Jessica’s office:::

“She’s here!” Tiffany said jumping with excitement as she looked at the window.

“What do we do? Should we tell her?” Taeyeon said loudly, jumping a little herself.

“Telling her meant doing all that work for nothing.” Sunny said, rolling her eyes at the two’s nervousness, “Just calm down and act normal you guys.”

“How? How do we act normal?” Taeyeon said frantically looking outside the door to see if Jessica’s there.

“Seriously!” Sunny stood up and pulled Tiffany and Taeyeon, positioned Taeyeon’s hands on Tiffany’s waist and the mushroom’s hands on Taeyeon’s neck. “There! Just like any other day!”

“This is how we look like every day?!” Taeyeon asked incredulously as Tiffany just blushed.

“Well, usually you have your lips locked...But I just had breakfast and I can’t afford throwing up...”


“Good morning! Sunny! You’re here!” Jessica arrived smiling at the bunny and frowning slightly at the couple. “Seriously you two, don’t you do that enough at home?”

“What did I tell you?” Sunny smirked at the two who valiantly voiced their protests.

“Where’s Hara by the way?” Jessica asked nonchalantly as she looked over her schedule for today.

Blinking in confusion, Sunny answered, “I think she’s with Yoona and Seohyun. Sooyoung had them pick up something for yo- i mean...for”

Jessica looked curiously at Sunny’s sudden blush and TaeNy’s look of fear but shrugged it off as the usual morning craziness that she gets from them everyday.

“Sorry I’m just so used to you two together.” Jessica smiled at Sunny who turned an even darker shade of red.

“What’re you talking about?!” Sunny scoffed, looking at everywhere else except Jessica, who shared a knowing look with Tiffany. “It’s for business! I was thinking of hiring her to work with the magazine.”

“Uhuh. Just don’t tell Sooyoungie who will tell Yoona who will tell pretty much everyone that you know.” Taeyeon said seriously while Tiffany nodded in agreement.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Sunny said sarcastically.

“Anyhoo, I’ll be in my office if you need-....” Jessica opened the door to her office and was left speechless at what she saw inside.


All the way from the door to the other end of the room was covered in red roses. The floor itself was covered with rose petals while various vases of all sizes where filled filled with freshly-picked flowers. Right on top of Jessica’s desk sat a brown teddy bear holding a heart that says “I love you.” Turning around, Taeyeon, Tiffany and Sunny’s gleeful faces were seen peeking through the door.

“How did-”

All three shook their heads and pointed at an envelope under the teddy bear.

“Read it.” Tiffany said simply closing the door and left Jessica grinning from ear to ear as she opened the envelope. Inside it was a picture when they were 7 years old wherein little Sooyoung’s arm was around little Sica’s shoulders taken at their play tree at Sica’s home. Sooyoung’s messy scrawl could be seen at the back yet it was the message that made the ice princess smile even more.

Roses may be red
Violets may be blue
This may be cliche
But truly, I love you 

Sooyoung <3

P.S. Would you like me to confess again? ^^

PICTURE to help you imagine 

:::At a cafe late noon:::

“She seriously did that?!” Krystal gushed as Jessica blushingly told her about the roses. “Just when did Sooyoung-unnie become so sweet and...cheesy?”

“She’s usually like that to her flings.” Jessica reminded her, rolling her eyes in the process.

“I don’t think so Unnie. I mean you’re actually the first one to whom she said to the words ‘love’ and ‘you’ all in one sentence. Jealous much?”

“I’m not!” Jessica laughed easily waving off Krystal’s jest. “I just remembered how she was a few months ago...”

“Player, skeptic Sooyoung?” A voice suddenly said. Both looked up suddenly, seering Yuri smiling at them holding a basket.

“Yuri!” Krystal said, suddenly standing up and blushing with Jessica curiously looking at her sister with raised eyebrows.

“Hey there beautiful.” Yuri winked at Krystal suddenly producing a single red rose out of nowhere, “This is for you.”

“T-t-thanks unnie.” Krystal muttered bowing deeply that Jessica couldn’t resist the urge to laugh.

“I didn’t know you work here?” Jessica asked Yuri.

“I don’t. Sooyoung wanted to give this to you.” Grinning, Yuri placed the basket that’s apparently filled with cookies that spell “I love you” in pink, red and dark purple colors. “She baked it herself by the way.”

“Seriously. What has gotten into that shikshin?” Jessica smiled grinning ear to ear as she bit her lip, wanting to take a bite of them.

“Unnie, can i have some?” Krystal asked, already taking out the letter O.

“Yah! Get your own cookie!” Jessica said pulling the basket away from her sister.

“Tell you what Krystal, I’m gonna make you some if you drop the honorifics” Yuri interjected, stopping the siblings from having a petty fight over baked goods.

“O-okay...” Krystal muttered, suddenly losing interest at her sister’s cookies and smiled shyly at the black pearl.

“Perfect! Anyway, have to go. Lots of cookies to bake.” Yuri said about to leave but not without giving Jessica an envelope. “From your prince who’s making us all work.”

“Apparently honorifics are dropped between the you two already?” Jessica playfully asked her blushing sister as she fiddled with the envelope.”

“Nevermind that!” Krystal said impatiently. “Open it! Open it!”

Ripping the envelope, another picture could be found inside, this time a picture of two 14 year-old teenagers wherein Jessica could be seen clapping her hands in victory as she won over Sooyoung in a chess game at their house.

“Hey, wasn’t that-”

“Yeah.” Jessica said wistfully as she stared at the picture. “For the longest time I’ve been having my butt kicked by that shikshin in chess.”

“And miraculously, you won on your birthday?” Krystal asked cluelessly.

“Not really.” Jessica looked at Krystal smiling and then back at the picture. “Sooyoungie let me win.”

Turning the picture over, a note was once again scribbled in messy handwriting.

In this game of love that I keep on avoiding
All this time, it’s you that I’m yearning
Just so you know, you’d win any time 
But promise me this, that forever you’ll be mine

-Sooyoung <3

P.S. Would you like me to confess again? ^^

PICTURE of cookies ^^

:::Back in Jessica’s boutique near evening:::

“Someone’s giddy.” Tiffany commented as she went by Jessica’s office only to find its occupant staring at her teddy bear and cookies while sighing happily.

“Hmm?” Jessica looked up smiling goofily. “I really don’t know what came over her! Not that she’s not sweet already but the flowers and everything.”

“Me too.” Tiffany commented trying to act like she didn’t know anything as she stifled her smile. “It’s very rare for Sooyoung to show this much affection.”

“I like it...” Jessica said softly hugging her bear but suddenly snapped out of her daydreaming at Tiffany’s giggle. “Anyway...What’s up Tiff?”

“What do you think...of having a baby in here?”

Jessica suddenly turned bright red, stuttering all over the place. “K-k-kids?! D-d-don’t you think it’s too soon?! I-I-I mean...Sooyoungie and I only officially got together for a week or so and..”

“Yah! I’m not yet finished!” Tiffany said loudly, laughing at Jessica’s expression. “Taeyeon and I are thinking of adopting. And since it would really affect how things are going to be in here, we thought you’d be the first to know.”

“Really?!? Oh my gosh, that’s wonderful!” Jessica said ecstatic as she pulled Tiffany for a hug. “Have you visited orphanages yet? How’s Taeyeon?”

“It was her idea actually.” Tiffany said teary-eyed from happiness. “I’m so nervous! I know nothing about babies!”

“I’m sure you’ll do fine.” Jessica reassured her as she pulled away. “You’re one of the most gentle people that I know! You’ll be fine. Plus, you have Taeyeon.”

“I really don’t know what I’d do without that lovable dork.” Tiffany smiled but then suddenly remembered the other reason why she went to Jessica in the first place. “Speaking of lovable dorks, yours is waiting for you.”

“But Sooyoungie told me she has a photoshoot the whole day.” Jessica asked in confusion as Tiffany pulled her outside.

“We’ll see.” Tiffany said cryptically as she pushed Jessica inside Sooyoung’s pick-up that was waiting for them outside.

“Hey Jessica!” Hara and Sunny both said from up-front as Jessica sat at the back in confusion.

“Here.” Tiffany gave a box wrapped in a black satin scarf. “Open it.”

My Happy EndingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon