Chapter 18

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Sooyoung stubbornly pulled the uppermost button of her blouse as she tried to get rid of the tension that’s been filling her very soul all morning. Glancing at her watch that indicated that the black pearl was a few minutes late, the shikshin stood up and ordered coffee, thinking of asking the barista to add a little alcohol for the nerves. 

“Yuri’s late...Maybe she decided to stay in France.” Sooyoung muttered, in a voice that’s a little hopeful. 

Shaking her head a bit, the shikshin continued to mutter to herself, “Yah..Yuri’s not even doing anything...And I miss goofing off with that girl...But what am I gonna tell her? Aish...”

At the other side however, the front door rang as two extremely attractive women whose looks were an indication that superior genes really do exist glided across the floor. 

“Why the heck are we here Unnie??” Krystal complained as Jessica dragged her to the cafe that Yoona mentioned.

“Quiet down! We’re here on a mission.” Jessica quipped, shushing the younger one as she spotted Sooyoung and took a seat at a table hidden from the latter’s point of view.

Noticing her sister’s preoccupation on a short-haired individual, Krystal smirked, “So we’re stalking Sooyoung-unnie now? That is so lame Unnie.”

“Sooyoung’s meeting someone who’s apparently she’s in love with.”

“For real?!” Krystal gasped and Jessica had to grab her to keep her from standing up. “I thought you said she’s showing signs that she’s into you?”

“I thought so too but recently, it’s all too confusing.” Jessica wrung her hands in obvious frustration.

“Who is she then, that girl she’s in love with?”

“Her name’s Kwon Yuri. Apparently she’s THE hottest chef in Korea.” Jessica rolled her eyes.

“Kwon Yuri?? Wait, isn’t she the one who’s supposed to be your perfect blind date?!” Krystal gasped.

Jessica nodded her head staring silently at Sooyoung who was now stirring her cup of coffee thoughtfully, looking as if she’d rather be anywhere than sitting at that cafe at the moment.

“Why would she set you up with someone she’s in love with? It doesn’t make any sense.” Krystal said, making the ice princess relate what she overheard earlier.

“From what Yoona was saying earlier, Sooyoung’s allergic of commitments. I mean, you’re familiar with her family history right?”

Krystal’s eyes went wide as she exclaimed, “So she’s setting YOU up with HER to avoid heartbreak? That...doesn’t make any sense Unnie....”

“The thing is! We need to stop Sooyoung from confessing to her!” Jessica said in determination.

“I don’t know Unnie...It all seems weird and altogether...weird..” Krystal said in obvious confusion.

“I have a plan don’t worry...Look! I think that’s her...” Jessica whispered suddenly pointing at a rather tall girl with flowing black hair with her back at them approach Sooyoung.

“Come on let’s take a closer look!” Jessica pulled an unwilling Krystal at a nearer table.

“I swear you’re worse than an ahjumma stalking her favorite soap opera actor Unnie...” Krystal stated shaking her head in mock pity at her older sibling. 

:::At Sooyoung’s table:::

“What’s an attractive girl like you spending her time alone at a place like this?”

My Happy EndingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon