Chapter 15 part 1

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Sooyoung said in disbelief almost dropping her camera.

Jessica frowned at Sooyoung’s non-too-happy reaction thinking, “You don’t need to say it as if it’s the most revolting thing in the world you know....”

“Look, it’s one of the most effective ways to bring this photoshoot more pizzaz.” Sunny said seriously and yet the matchmaker in her was rejoicing, “You wouldn’t want the whole thing to be mediocre, would you?”

“But I’m the photographer!” Sooyoung whined like a kid looking at Jessica who promptly ignored her. “Plus I don’t like participating in weddings let alone photoshoots!”

“If she doesn’t want to, let her be.” Jessica said coldly. “I bet just looking at me in a wedding gown is making her nauseous.”

“I didn’t say anything of the sort!” Sooyoung cried in defense. “It’s not like I said you were ugly or anything...”

“Uh oh...Bad move Soo....” Yoona face-palmed herself as Taeyeon cringed. “How smooth...”

“What? Not pretty enough for you?” Jessica asked coldly taking a few steps towards Sooyoung who slowly backed away. “Well I’m SO sorry if I’m not like those tarts who throw themselves at you!”

“Don’t say anything Sooyoungie...You’ll only make it worse...” Tiffany crossed her fingers as the shikshin looked a bit put off at that last comment.

“Yah! Lovebirds! Save that sexual tension for the photos!” Sunny suddenly shouted causing the two to look at her in shock and turn a bright shade of red. “As for the photographer....”

“I’ll take her place as photographer! Just tell me what to do!” Yoona intervened getting the logic behind the bunny’s matchmaking plans which were obvious to everyone except for the ice princess and the shikshin themselves

“I’ll help her into her tux!” Tiffany volunteered dragging Sooyoung inside the house to change, “Let’s go hotstuff.”

“Hotstuff?! What about me Fany-ah!?!” Taeyeon pouted cutely at Tiffany who didn’t even spare her a glance as she locked arms with the shikshin. 

Looking at the mushroom’s retreating figure in disbelief, Taeyeon turned the Sunny, “What the heck did I do?” 

“I think it’s not exactly what you did but rather who you were talking to.” Sunny smirked before rolling her eyes at Taeyeon’s blank face. “Why are people so dense around here?! Am I the only one who notices things?”

[ Hihi SOOFANY :”> XD ]

Tiffany led the shikshin inside one of the bedrooms where the wedding clothes were kept.

“Take your clothes off right here.”

“Excuse me?” Sooyoung squeaked as Tiffany looked at her expectantly.

“Don’t act like it’s your first time Sooyoungie.” Tiffany smirked as she went to close the door.

“Wha-” Sooyoung’s eyes went as round as saucers as her imagination got wild.

“I meant the tux!” Tiffany said exasperatedly. “It’s not your first time wearing one right?”

“Oh! Right! You’re about to help me wear the tux!” Sooyoung said shaking her head as if in a trance. “Do you mind if I use the bathroom to change?”
“What is with you today? You’re worse than Jessica when she’s daydreaming and that’s saying something!” Tiffany said giggling while she gave Sooyoung a crisp white shirt and midnight blue trousers.

“She may very well be the reason why I’m like this.” Sooyoung muttered as she got the pieces of clothing and went in the bathroom to change.

Tiffany sat the edge of the bed humming to herself while suddenly she remembered Taeyeon and Hara with the former blushing at the latter’s statement in which Tiffany had no idea what. Narrowing her eyes, the mushroom exclaimed loudly, “Who does she think she is, flirting with a married woman?! TART!”

“Something the matter Tiff?” Sooyoung said suddenly emerging from the bathroom.

“Nothing really Soo- oh WOW...” Tiffany had to blink a few more times before fully taking in Sooyoung’s appearance. Standing at about 170 cm, the shikshin’s tall frame complimented the shirt and trousers perfectly. Even without the vest and the jacket, Sooyoung’s appearance screams out hotness in all angles. 

“Do I look okay?” Sooyoung scratched her head and smiled sheepishly looking so alluring that Tiffany had to remind herself over and over again that she’s married and that adultery is a sin and tried to picture Taeyeon posing sexily in her head.

“OKAY?! You’re beyond okay! No wonder you can make girls fall at your feet so effortlessly.” Tiffany exclaimed as she handed Sooyoung her vest and jacket with matching bowtie in which the latter wore with ease. “Jessie’s in for a treat.”

“Let’s just hope I’m her kind of treat.” Sooyoung winked as she held out her arm for Tiffany in mock seriousness. “Where to malady?”


Right outside, Sunny was discussing with Yoona and Hara what to do with the impromptu couple.

“How about making Jessica sit on the swing while Sooyoungie hugs her from behind?” pointed the bunny at one of the swings hanging from one of the nearby trees.

“Wouldn’t it be awkward since Sooyoung’s tall and she has to bend too much?” Hara asked thoughtfully.

“We could switch them?” Yoona suggested trying to picture the scene but found it a bit off. “Or not...”

“What do you think Seohyun?” Sunny turned to her assistant who was busily taking down notes.

Blushing a bit at being asked for her opinion while looking at Yoona uncertainly, Seohyun nevertheless tried, “Uhm...Well, we could make them lie down on the grass side by side with their hands intertwined while one of them points at the sky...”

Jessica who was nearby overheard Seohyun and smiled a bit before approaching Sunny, “I like that idea...Let’s do that Sunny...”

A bit surprised at the ice princess’ sudden warmth, Sunny smiled, “Sure! It’s your photoshoot anyways. YAH!Just where the heck is your groom?!”

Rolling her eyes, Jessica quipped, “I bet Tiffany’s dragging her by tooth and nail just to get into her clothes.”

“I know ri-- *GASP*

“What?! What?!” Jessica asked confusedly as varying expressions of shock and admiration was reflected on the faces of Seohyun, Hara, Yoona and Sunny at the direction where she had her back turned.

“Hey honey, ready to smile for me?” Sooyoung’s voice asked teasingly.

Remembering the shikshin’s actions earlier, Jessica turned around in a huff, “No tha--”

Jessica's words were suddenly thrown out the window as she took in the embodiment of gorgeousness which is Choi Sooyoung. Looking at her up and down, Jessica couldn’t help but wonder how a tux could look so good on a girl. Fitting in all the right places from the shikshin’s shoulders all the way down to her ankles, it’s as if Sooyoung just came out of a fashion magazine. Biting her lower lip to keep herself from reaching out to run her hands across the front of her jacket, Jessica was brought out of her trance by Sooyoung’s teasing.

“Like what you see?” 

Regaining her composure, Jessica cleared her throat, “Let’s just get this over with.”

“Just admit it! I look hot!” Sooyoung shouted at Jessica’s back.

“Yeah...I think she’s still mad at what you said earlier.” Sunny suggested removing invisible dust of Sooyoung’s jacket.

“Yah think?!? Aish...What are we doing for the next shot?”

Lying down side beside Jessica, Sooyoung tried to reach for her hand in which the ice princess vehemently avoided. This went on for a few minutes before Sooyoung gave up completely and sighed. Thankfully, Hara intervened.

“Jessica, you need to hold hands. Married couples are supposed to be sweet, in case you haven’t heard.”

“Yes!” Sooyoung thought as Jessica didn’t pull away at her touch.

“Smile you two!” Yoona clicked away while Sooyoung had to endure the icy and silent treatment Jessica was giving her.

“Come on Sica. This is supposed to be a romantic scene. Ease up!”


“DONE! Next scene up!” Sunny cried enthusiastically and Jessica stood up quickly and walked away.

“Yah! Talk to me will you?!?” Sooyoung cried out in desperation.

Smirking, Jessica turned around and exclaimed, “Your hands are sweaty.”

Sooyoung blushed and wiped her hands on her pants eliciting giggles from Taeyeon and Tiffany who was watching nearby. “Shut up!”


“Next shot!” Sunny pulled Sooyoung and made her sit with her back against a tree so hard the shikshin couldn’t help but wince in pain.

“Watch your strength bunny! I’m getting bruises here!”

“Be a man Sooyoung!” Sunny said bent down and pried Sooyoung’s legs apart.

“What the heck are you doing?!” Sooyoung felt violated as her voice went an octave higher.

“Sit there Jessica.” Sunny pointed at the space in front of Sooyoung.

Sighing loudly, Jessica reluctantly settled herself to where Sunny pointed and turned to Yoona. “Well? Aren’t you gonna take our picture?”

“Yah! Move closer you two! And Sooyoung! Put your arms around Jessica like this!” Yoona pulled Seohyun out of nowhere and hugged her waist tightly earning a squeak from the assistant.

“Do you want me to freeze because of her?!”

“This gown’s hot enough without this pig hugging me!”

“Stop acting like teenagers and just do it!” Taeyeon yelled while Hara who was standing beside her giggled.

Out of instinct, Tiffany pulled Taeyeon’s arm away from Hara her eye smile leaving her face as she walked towards the house, “Help me make snacks TaeTae...”

“Huh?? But the shoot....” A glare from the mushroom instantly silenced Taeyeon, “Aish...okay okay....” 

After Sunny personally arranged Sooyoung’s and Jessica’s position, “See? Now you look married!”

Both figures blushed at Sunny’s exclamation as they were made aware of how close they really are. With Sooyoung’s back against the tree, Jessica was nestled comfortably between the shikshin’s legs as she leaned against the crook of her neck with Sooyoung’s profile intoxicatingly close. 

On the other hand, Sooyoung’s heart went into overdrive as Jessica’s sweet strawberry scent assaulted her senses and she could feel herself getting lightheaded as relishing Jessica’s soft body against hers with her hands wrapping themselves protectively around her thin waist.

“Perfect! Now stay still!” Yoona said excitedly as she held on to her camera.

“It’s not that I abhor wedding’s completely you know...” Sooyoung murmured at Jessica's ear pulling her closer to her as her heart beat wildly against her chest.

“Then why did you look so scared when Sunny told you to be my pretend groom?” Jessica replied softly suddenly looking at Sooyoung with questioning eyes.

Sooyoung also shifted to meet Jessica’s eyes, their noses touching, their lips inches away from each other,

“Jessica I....”

“Answer me Sooyoungie...”

“OH MY GOD YOU GUYS LOOK PERFECT!” Hara squealed out of the blue as Sunny could be heard groaning in the background while Yoona gritted her teeth in obvious frustration. Seohyun could be also be seen shaking her head in disappointment while murmuring along the lines, “Almost...”

My Happy EndingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon