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The window on the far side of their daughter's bedroom was wide open and Aria was nowhere to be scene. Ziva turned her gaze over to Tony as tears started to fill her eyes. Tony was just standing there staring, Ziva thought to herself "why is he not doing anything!, why is he just standing there, this our YOUNG daughter, and she is missing!" but then she realised she was doing the same, just standing there, terrified for the safety of their child. Ziva quickly wiped away the tears from her eyes "Tony!, we have to get to Gibbs, Now!" Ziva said grabbing Tony's hand a pulling him out of the door. Ziva got in the driver seat and Tony climbed in next to her, Ziva could tell how worried he was, he was quiet and kept clicking his knuckles. It only took a few minutes to get to NCIS, Ziva always did drive like a crazy person, but this time it was different. Ziva pulled into the car park, but before the car had even stopped Tony jumped out and ran into the building and up the stairs, he decided waiting for the elevator would just be wasting time they could afford to lose. Tony walk hastily up to Gibbs desk "your late, DiNozzo" Gibbs stated not looking up from his computer "and where the hell is Ziva" he asked raising his eyes ever so slightly "Gibbs, Aria missing" Tony said not raising his voice. Gibbs stood up behind his desk "McGee!, put an Amber Alert out for Aria DiNozzo, 6 years old!" McGee looked over at Tony worriedly and then started typing on his computer. Just Ziva came running out of the elevator "Gibbs! What are we going to do?!"

Gibbs walked over to Ziva and wrapped his around her "don't worry Ziva, we WILL find her" he said as he kissed her forehead. Ziva could feel her eyes filling up again, but quickly re-gained control. Gibbs let go of Ziva and ran up the stair towards the director's office. Tony walked over to Ziva and hugged her tightly, he had to be strong for her, he thought to himself. "he's right you know" Tony said pulling away from Ziva slightly so that he could see her face "we WILL find her, besides she's part YOU Ziva!" he said trying to lighten the mood any way he could. Ziva let out half a smile but then covered it with a frown. "this isn't the time, Tony, this is a 6 year old child we are talking about not a 16 year old one" Ziva said pushing Tony away and walking towards to ladies room. Tony walked round and sat at his desk, he sighed heavily and took out his wallet, in the see through pocket by his credit cards was the photo reel of Him, Ziva and Aria, they had taken just last week at the fun fair. They were the type of photos you see in movies, the top one had him in the middle with his girls kissing either cheek, the middle picture made him laugh the most, each one of them had their tongues sticking out as far as they could and the last picture had Ziva on the left, him on the right and Aria in the middle, they were all smiling happy and un aware of the future in store of them. Tony was woken from his daydream by the phone ringing at McGee's desk, Tony listened carefully to what McGee was saying "Yes, Yes, Okay, Thank you, We will be right there" McGee said anxious. He stood up from his desk and walked over to Tony, "the team collecting evidence at your house has found blood on the side walk, it belongs to Aria..."

Aria DiNozzoWhere stories live. Discover now