It's Not Over

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Back at the office Gibbs and McGee where finishing up the paper work to send the man that kidnapped Aria to jail, when the elevator dinged and in walked Tony, Ziva and Aria. Gibbs stood up and met them in the middle of the bullpen he could see the Tony and Ziva had something very serious to talk about and he could also see Aria yawning as she held onto Ziva's hand. "We need to talk to you, boss" Tony said. "Ziva follow me, bring Aria, Tony you stay here I will be back in a moment. Gibbs lead Ziva and Aria up to the director's office " you wait here for a second" Gibbs said as he walked into the office. "Gibbs!, Director Vance said as he stood up behind his desk "what can I do for you?" he asked. After a few moments Gibbs returned to Ziva and Aria "come in" he said. Ziva looked over at Vance and he smiled back as he packed up his things "Aria can rest on the couch until we are done, it's extremely late and she needs to sleep" Gibbs said gesturing towards the sofa. Ziva lead Aria over to the couch and made her lay down, Gibbs and the director left the room to go back to the bullpen. "You are safe now hunny, go to sleep" Ziva said stocking her daughters head. After a few moments Aria was finally resting.
Gibbs walked back into the bullpen and Tony stood up from his desk "Boss, there's more children, he has taken more children!" he said as Gibbs entered. Gibbs looked angry, frustrated and worried about these poor innocent lives at risk. "McGee get that B*a*t*r*d back into interigation! Gibbs's phone rang from inside his pocket, it was Fornell, "Hello" Gibbs answered "Gibbs! They have my Emily!" Fornell replied.

Aria DiNozzoWhere stories live. Discover now