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Tony felt the soft hands of Ziva gliding along his bare back as he lay on top of her on the carpet in front of the fire place. He moved his lips down her body and gently stocked the inside of her legs, Ziva smiled in delight. Once Tony had finished, Ziva pulled him back towards her, she arched her back as he entered her and their lips locked once more. They carried on this way, well into the night until they finally fell asleep in each other's arms. Ziva woke early the next morning, she was still curled up next to Tony, his arms still wrapped around her like his was never going to let go. All Ziva could think about that the night they had just had and how she wanted to just do it all again. But they couldn't and she didn't know when the next time would be. They couldn't ask Gibbs to take care of Aria every week could they? And there was no chance they could when Aria was at home. She was still waking up every night and coming into their bed, terrified of being taken again. Ziva carefully reached for her watch that lay on the floor a couple of inches away, 6:00 am. "We better get up" she thought to herself. They had to get Aria at 7:00 and take her to school, and they had to get to work themselves. Ziva gently cupped Tony's cheek with her hand and stocked it with her thumb. Tony's eyes slowly opened and he smiled when she was Ziva starting back at him. "wake up mon petit pois" Ziva whispered to Tony and kissed him on the tip of her nose. Tony Squeezed Ziva in his embrace and then shot up from the floor, Ziva was quick to follow. They both exchanged lving glances and walked up stairs to get ready for the day.

It was 6:30 in the morning and Aria sat at the table in Gibbs's kitchen and munched down on her cornflakes. Gibbs was sitting opposite her reading the daily paper as he sipped at his coffee. He was reading about the case they had just solved, seeing if the reporters had done them justice. He was pretty pleased with what they had written; they had even given him a special recognition. Aria put down her spoon "Gibbs, what does abducted mean?" she asked innocently. Gibbs looked up from his current page and put down his coffee on the table in front of him. "to take away, or to take from something" He said being careful not to frighten her. Aria looked thoughtfully back down at her bowl and scooped another spoonful into her mouth. "Why do you asked that Ria? Gibbs questioned. Aria carried on eating her cereal as she spoke "when those mean people took me I heard them saying they were going to abduct mommy, but that's silly and doesn't make sense, how would someone take a person away from something" she said laughing. Gibbs started to take in what the little girl was saying to him and realisation struck him. This wasn't over, it had only just begun. Aria heard a car screeching to a holt and then a car door shutting. "Aba" she smiled and jumped down from her chair. Gibbs followed her and opened the door. Tony walked up the drive alone as Aria ran to meet him. He scooped her up into his arms and kissed her on the cheek "Have you been good?" he asked his little girl. "yes daddy, I stayed in my own bed and everything!" she said excitedly. Gibbs walked over, he looked worried. "Where's Ziva?" he asked, he was staring to get very concerned about what Aria had said to him. "She went to the office, told me to take Aria to school" Tony replied noticing how worried Gibbs looked. "No time to take her to school, come with me DiNozzo" Gibbs ordered getting into his car.

Aria DiNozzoWhere stories live. Discover now