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Two ambulances arrived at the scene, one to check on the three children that were with Tony and Ziva and another one to take Emily Fornell to the hospital. Two men got out of the first ambulance and ran over to where Gibbs was kneeling over her body, they checked her pulse, she was still breathing but only very gently, they moved her onto the stretcher and carried her into the ambulance, Gibbs got in with her "McGee, call Fornell and tell him to meet us at The children's National Medical Centre." Gibbs said as one of the paramedics closed the doors. Once they got to the hospitals Gibbs was ordered by the head Doctor to stay away whilst they try to get Emily stable. McGee ran up to Gibbs with Fornell close behind "where is she" Fornell asked Gibbs. Gibbs turn his head and nodded towards the doors, Fornell walked up to the desk "The child, in recovery, she's mine, my Emily, I NEED to see her" he said as he show to woman his badge; the nurse reluctantly let him into the room where Emily was. Gibbs and McGee were not allowed to enter, it was family only. A few hours past and Gibbs and McGee still waited outside for any news. Tony and Ziva walked in and stood next to Gibbs "how is she" he asked. Gibbs continued staring at the doors. McGee got up from where he was sitting "no news yet Tony" he said as he walked over to the vending machine to get a drink. Just then Fornell walked through the doors carrying his coat. "She's gone Gibbs, my daughters gone" he said fighting back the tears.

Aria DiNozzoWhere stories live. Discover now