Reunited At Last

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Gibbs had his gun drawn and at the ready, he walked quietly up the narrow corridor until he reached the stairs the lead down the very bottom of the ship. There was a single door at the bottom, it was old and made of wood, easy to bust into, however there was huge bolts attached to the front. From what Gibbs could tell the bolts had been opened, which meant that someone was inside. Gibbs kicked down the door and raised his weapon, as soon as he did this he saw a man, who looked in his late 30's "NCIS DROP YOU WEAPON" he yelled at the top of his voice. The man stood up from where he was sitting, he looked shocked that he had been found. McGee heard the shouting and came running into the room. The man put his hands up, as if to admit his defeat. McGee walked over and hand cuffed the criminal. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH THE CHILD" Gibbs said still yelling as he held the gun to the man's head. The man smirked and turned his head to the direction Aria was. McGee and Gibbs hadn't noticed her tied up in the corner with all the commotion going on. Gibbs ran over to Aria and pulled the sack the covered her face off. Aria's eyes widened with relief as she saw a familiar face. Gibbs pulled out his knife and used it to cut her hands and feet free, he then removed the gag from her mouth. Aria threw herself at Gibbs and wrapped her arms around his neck. She was crying so much Gibbs found it hard to figure out what she was saying "I want mommy" she said through her tears as Gibbs picked her up and started to walk back through the ship, he pushed Aria's face into his neck so that she wouldn't see the dead men that lay on the floor as they walked to safety.

Once they got onto land, McGee had already phone Tony and Ziva, their car pulled up into the car park and Tony and Ziva both jumped out leaving the engine running an the car doors open. They ran towards McGee Gibbs and Aria. Gibbs loosened his grip slightly so that he could let Aria down but she held tightly onto him, she was still scared and crying heavily. "Mommy and daddy are here" he whispered into Aria's ear. Aria lifted her head and wriggled out of Gibbs's arms, she ran as fast as her little legs could carry her and met them half way. Tony scooped his little girl into his arms and hugged her tightly, his kissed her repeatedly, he was so relieved to have his baby back. Aria jumped from the arms of Tony to Ziva's and nestled her face into her as she cried. Tony walked over to Gibbs "thanks boss" he said as he held back the tears of joy. "any time DiNozzo" Gibbs replied, tapping Tony on the back, comfortingly. Tony, Gibbs and McGee walked back over to where Ziva and Aria were stand. Ziva had managed to get her daughter to calm her tears however they had not stopped completely. Gibbs turned to Tony " she needs to go to a hospital to get checked up, I'll make a call a notify them that you are coming" he said quietly so he didn't worry Aria.

Aria DiNozzoWhere stories live. Discover now