Young Souls

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The interrogation was quiet, eerie and taciturn. Tony and Ziva stood on the other side of the glass with McGee, Gibbs was in charge of interrogating the man they had arrested for kidnapping Aria. He sat in his chair opposite Gibbs smirking to himself. "Something funny?" Gibbs asked in a calm manner. The man leant forwards and put his elbows on the table separating him and Gibbs. "You think I'm going to tell you where the others are, and I not" He said slouching back into his chair laughing. Gibbs opened the file of pictures McGee had printed out of the children that were missing and placed them in front of him. "These children are all innocent, if you wanted your information, why not go after the people that actually have it!" Gibbs asked starting to raise his voice. "To make a statement, a mark if you want" Gibbs got up and started to leave the room "you're not going to win this one Agent Gibbs, it's much bigger than you think" the man continued having to raise his voice as Gibbs slammed the door. Gibbs walked into the room behind the glass and stood there watching as Ziva burst into the room. "This is going to get ugly" Tony laughed. Gibbs turned to Tony "This isn't funny DiNozzo, you may have your kid back but there are at least 4 other families that don't!" Gibbs turned back to face the glass and Tony put his serious face back on. Through the window they could see Ziva shouting at the man, threatening him and at some points getting quite physical. Gibbs didn't care; this was about the safety of children, and young ones for that matter. Ziva stormed out of interrogation and entered the room where the rest of the team were standing. "Abandoned warehouse off of 16th Street, that's where they are!" Ziva said as they all ran back up to the bullpen to get there things. "How the hell did you get him to talk!?" Tony asked Ziva. "I have my ways" She said with a smile.

Gibbs drove the van to the abandoned warehouse. He was scared at what he might find, where the children going to be okay? Where they still alive? How many were there? These were all questions that were running through his mind as he got out the car followed by Tony, Ziva and McGee, guns drawn and at the ready. They quickly but quietly separated into two groups, Gibbs and Tony, McGee and Ziva and moved around the warehouse. Gibbs kicked down the door and moved inside, followed by Tony. In front of their eyes was 4 children, aging from 8 to 15, they were tied to the post around the room. Gibbs immediately saw Emily and ran over to her, she was un conscious and had shallow breathing. Tony untied the other children as McGee and Ziva ran in to join them. Gibbs cut the rope that was tying her to the post and laid her down on the floor to check her pulse, he was covered busies and cuts. "CALL 911!" Gibbs yelled at how ever was listening. Tony and Ziva took the other three children out of the room and back to the NCIS van. McGee took out his cell and dial for an ambulance. "Come on Emily, stay with me" Gibbs said with determination.

Aria DiNozzoWhere stories live. Discover now