Being Brave

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Aria walked into the bullpen holding Abby's hand. Gibbs, Tony and McGee were going back through the evidence they had collected from when Aria had been abducted. Tony turned around when he heard their footsteps; he smiled as he saw his daughter was no longer crying. He admired how Abby and Ziva were so good with children; he would have never thought them to be the type all those years ago. Aria let go of Abby's grasp and ran towards her dad. She jumped up into Tony's embrace and swung her arms around his neck. "I love you daddy" She said as he squeezed her tightly. Tony needed to her that, he so desperately wanted his family back to how it used to be, with the worry, with the fear of losing one another. I guess that all part of the job, he thought to himself, better us than someone who didn't sign up for it. But Aria didn't sign up for this, after all she was just a child, she was going through so much and no child deserves this, first her and now her mother, now wonder she is having trouble sleeping at night. Tony sat down at his desk with Aria on his lap, he smiled over at Abby and then focused back on his daughter "I love you too honey, so so much!" he said and kissed head on the forehead. "Now, I need you to be very brave for me do you think you can do that?" Tony asked, knowing what the answer would be, after all she was a smaller version of Ziva, strong, brave and very smart. "Yes daddy" she said confidently. Tony smiled, he couldn't believe how well she was dealing with this, he was barely holding it together himself, fighting back the tears every so often.

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