Back To Work

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The next morning Ziva woke up early, she wanted some time to herself before Tony and Aria woke up and started making their usual demands. She felt like she had lost part of herself in the past couple of weeks, of not months. She felt that she was no longer her strong willed self. A lot of things were going through her head as she took a shower. She realised that she had not spent a night alone with Tony for almost 6 months, and it was killing her to say the least. Of course she loved having her baby girl with her all the time, but sometimes adults just need time, to have a good, real conversation, without interruptions. By the time Ziva had finished getting ready it was 7:00 in the morning. She sat down on the bed next to Tony a stoked his arm, he stirred slightly and slowly opened his eyes. He woke to the gorgeous smile of his wife, he couldn't help but think about how lucky he was to have her in his life, forever. Unexpectedly Tony grabbed Ziva and pulled her into his embrace. "Tony!" she exclaimed, laughing. "Tony...let go, you need to get up" Ziva said. Tony closed his eyes and tightened his grip. "Nope, no I don't think I can do that, you see I have this problem...I have a beautiful woman living in my house who I want to spend my whole day with, but if we go to work then we can't do that, please help me doctor" Tony said, jokingly. Ziva smiled and pulled Tony's hands off of her, after all she was stronger than him. "Get up" she said laughing "we can spend the night together" she said flirting slightly. "Sounds interesting" Tony said shooting out of bed "one slight problem, what about the tiny person in the next room?" he asked.

Ziva pulled up outside Janney Elementary School in her red convertible with Tony in the passenger seat and Aria in the back. Ziva turned round in her seat so that she could talk to her daughter. "Okay so what are the rules?" She asked as her daughter un buckled her seat belt and gathered her belongings for the day. "No talking to strangers, no running away from Dorneget, no hitting people unless they deserve it..." Aria said. Tony laughed "No hitting anyone one, young lady!". Aria smiled and got out of the car where she was met by Dorneget. She walked over to Ziva's window and leaned in so that her mother could kiss her goodbye. "I love you, mommy, I love you daddy" she said and with that she ran into the school, Dorneget struggling to keep up with her. It was a short drive to the office and once they arrived the quickly went up the bullpen. McGee was already sitting at his desk typing away rapidly. "Where's the boss man?" he asked, directing his question at McGee. And with that in came Gibbs, Tony and Ziva barely had time to put down their things before Gibbs had made his usual announcement "Grab you're gear" he said as he walk through the bullpen and towards the elevator. "what have we got boss" Tony asked. "Dead marine, East Street". Tony, Ziva and McGee promptly followed Gibbs as they headed for the crime scene that awaited them.

Aria DiNozzoWhere stories live. Discover now