The Apple Doesn't Fall Far

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Tony sat in the passenger seat of their car as Ziva drove to Aria's school to collect her. They sat in silence most of the way. All they could think about was little Emily, how she was so innocent and who that could have quite easily have been their daughter, no longer with them. Ziva remembered the day that she had found out she was pregnant with Aria it was September 30th the year they had resigned from NCIS when Gibbs was in danger. Her and Tony had sorted out there difference out that summer and one thing lead to another and... Now she couldn't imagine life without either one of them. At first Gibbs was angry "My team, My rules" he had said, but once he came to terms with the idea and noticed that Tony and Ziva's relationship was not getting in the way of their work, he had been quite excited for a baby to be part of his little "family". Now 6 years later Aria had become just that, part of his family. As Ziva pulled up outside the school she look out the window and saw her Dorneget trying to pick her daughter off what looked like another child. Ziva jump out of the car follow Tony and ran to the scene "Aria!" Ziva shouted as she forced her daughter off of the young boy laying on the floor, Aria was still throwing punches. Ziva placed her on the floor as Tony saw to the boy. "What on earth is going on?!" she asked, looking angry and embarrassed at her daughters behaviour. Aria folded her arms and looked at the floor. "Aria?" Ziva repeated. "what did that poor boy do to deserve that!?" Ziva asked. Aria looked at her mother "He said he liked me" she frowned and looked back down at the floor. Ziva couldn't help but let out a small smile when she heard this, it was exactly what happened to her when she was young and she remembered telling Tony about it. Tony looked at Dorneget "Two 6 year olds too much to handle?" he asked. Dorneget looked embarrassed "a don't sweat it, she just like her mother, I feel sorry for the little guy, I know how he feels" Tony said.

Aria DiNozzoWhere stories live. Discover now