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Ziva stood at the sink in the ladies room looking at her reflection. "How could I let this happen" she thought as she splashed her face with cold water. Ziva could feel the anger building up inside her, like there was no space left in her body for anything else. She clenched her right first and took a swing at the wall beside her, it left a mark and her knuckles turn red. Ziva heard the sound of the door open and in walked Abby. She wrapped her arms around and hugged Ziva gently, she knew that Ziva was going through a horrific time at the moment and felt that a hug was enough. Ziva pulled away after a few moments "It's okay, Abby" she said looking down at the ground. "We are going to find my daughter, or I will die trying", "I know" Abby said starting at Ziva with comforting eyes. Ziva was surprised with how little Abby had to say! Usually she would be rambling on and on about how much pain she must be in and how she can imagine what it must be like, essentially make the situation worse. "I have to get back to the office, I need to stay updated" Ziva said as she walked through the doors and back into the bullpen.

As the two girls approached the rest of the team, Ziva could sense something was seriously wrong. Gibbs and McGee were standing by Tony's desk, Tony was sitting down the other side with his face in his hands. "What is wrong?" Ziva asked with panic in her voice, she looked at all three men, they weren't answering her, "WHAT?!" she repeated. Gibbs placed his hand on Ziva's shoulder and encouraged her to sit down. "Tony just got a call, it was from the people that took Aria, they..." Gibbs was finishing his sentence what Ziva stopped him in mid flow " Tell me you recorded it?" she asked looking over at McGee. He nodded "let me hear it" she ordered. McGee looked over at Gibbs for approval, he nodded and with that McGee hit the play button. "We have your daughter, she is safe.. for now...If you want her to make it through to her next birthday, you will do EXACTLY what I am about to ask. We require the confidential files to access the NCIS data base. We will also be expecting a sum of $100,000 to be paid, for the complete return of your daughter. And yes you head me correctly, if you do not do what we ask we will still be sending her back to you... piece, by piece"

Aria DiNozzoWhere stories live. Discover now