All Alone

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It was cold, dark and extremely scary for little Aria, who sat tied to wooden chair that was giving her slinters in her fragile legs. To say she was scared was an understatement, she was petrified, she had been kidnapped from her own house, where she felt safe and protected, shoved into a van, drugged and was now in the lowest part of a ship that you could be. She was locked in, and hadn't been visited for hours. When she first arrived at her unknown destination, she very faintly remembered a man carrying her into the room she now found herself in, he force fed her some liquid, which must have out her to sleep because her mind was blank from there. Aria looked around the room but it was hard to see through her blurred vision, she couldn't wipe the tears from her eyes as her hands were tied behind her back. She wanted her mommy, she wanted her daddy, and she wanted to be back, cuddled up to them in their warm bed. All of a sudden she heard the bolts unlock on the other side of the door and a tall man dressed in black walked in. He laughed as he looked at the little girl sitting in front of him "Mommy and Daddy better hurry up and deliver what I have asked for, or you won't be seeing you're next birthday" He sniggered as he stroked the knife he had in his hand.

Gibbs and McGee arrived at James Creek Marina, Abby had managed to make a trace on the call that Tony had received and the marina was the last known destination. There was hundreds of boats dock; it would take forever to search them all! But they would if it meant getting Aria back. Just then McGee's phone rang, it was Abby "McGee! The man who kidnapped Ria is on the phone now! He is in the north corner, looks like the second to last ship in the row". Abby said quickly. "Thanks Abby" McGee said as he put down the phone. "That was Abby, she said Aria is in the north corner, second ship to the end". Both the men took out there weapons and quickly, but carefully moved towards the boat Abby had pointed out to them. They boarded the ship and to their shock, there was a dead body lying on the floor in front of them. McGee bent down to double check that he was gone and both the men moved forwards into the ship. As they walked through the corridors, guns at the ready they could sense danger in the air. It was eerily silent and as they got further into the ship the more bodies they found. "McGee we need to split up, that little girl is on her somewhere and we HAVE to find her dead or alive!" Gibbs said becoming increasing worried.

Aria DiNozzoWhere stories live. Discover now