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It was 3 o'clock in the morning and Tony pulled into the drive way of their home. He stopped the car and switched the engine off. Ziva sensed the car as it came to a holt and woke from her slumber. "We're home" Tony whispered looking in the mirror that faced the back seats. Ziva nodded and unbuckled her seat belt. They both got out of the car and Tony walked around to the side Aria was sleeping. He opened the door and carefully unbuckled her seat belt and scooped her out, she stirred slightly but didn't wake. Ziva unlocked the front door and switched the light on in the hallway, she put down her bag and shut the door behind Tony once he was in with Aria. Tony walked up the stairs as Ziva followed and walked into Aria's bedroom, it had been tidied and the locks on the windows had doubled in size. Ziva pulled back the covers and Tony laid Aria down no her bed and tucked her in. Both parents kissed her on the forehead, they we so happy to have their daughter safe with them again, they would never let something like that happen to her ever again! Ziva switched the light off and they walked into their own bed room, got undressed and laid down next to one another. Ziva moved closer to Tony and intertwined her legs around his. Tony wrapped his arms around Ziva and closed his eyes "she's safe now Zi" he said. Ziva heard footsteps coming towards the bedroom door, she sat up and at the end of the bed was Aria. Tony looked at Ziva and smiled, he gestured for Aria to come up onto the bed and with that she climb in between the two of them, pushing her back into Ziva's stomach and resting her head on her father's arm, feel straight to sleep. Tony reached over his sleeping daughter and locked fingers with his wife. He had his happy family back, just the way he liked it.

The next morning Tony got out of bed at 6:30 am leaving Ziva and Aria curled up next to one another. He smiled at them as he stood at the side of the bed. They looked so peaceful and he didn't want that peace to ever be disrupted again. He walked over to the dresser and got dressed in the appropriate clothing for work, him and Ziva had a tough day ahead of them, after they had found Aria it was made clear that she was not the only on in danger and they were going to have a tough time finding them, Fornell's daughter was a high priority. Tony walked down the stairs into the kitchen and opened the fridge, he decided that he was going to make the girl pancakes for breakfast, they deserved it. Back upstairs Ziva had woken up and was already getting dressed into her work outfit. As she shut the draw of the dress a photo frame knocked off the top and landed on the floor, the sound of it woke Aria up and she sat up in the bed. "Good morning, sweet pea" Ziva said as he picked up the frame and put it back in it place. Ziva walked over to the bed and sat down next to Aria holding her hand "now, I know it's a bit scary, but mommy and daddy need you to go into school today" Aria started to cry and pulled the duvet over her head. She didn't want to leave her mommy and daddy, she want to be near them so nothing bad could happen. Ziva carried on talking "you will be safe a school, agent Dorneget will be there, so nothing will happen to you, I promise". Aria agreed and got dressed in Tony and Ziva's bedroom; she didn't want to be alone. Tony had just finished the pancakes when Ziva and Aria walked down the stairs and joined him. Aria sat down at the table and tucked into her breakfast. Tony pulled Ziva over to one side "Gibbs just called, these people are only targeting the children of people who work in law enforcement, like us and Fornell" he said

Aria DiNozzoWhere stories live. Discover now