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~2 weeks later~
It was a cold day and there was sadness in the air. Gibbs, McGee, Abby, Vance, Tony, Ziva and Aria stood on the left side of the small casket next to Fornell and his family. The Vicar was reading his eulogy, but no was really hearing it, they were all lost in their own thoughts. How could something like his have happened? Why would someone want to hurt and innocent child like that? The only thing that brought peace to everyone's minds was that the killed was not spending life in prison. Once the ceremony was over and everyone had paid their respects, all the guest headed inside for Emily's wake leaving Fornell and his ex-wife alone with their daughter and their thoughts. Tony sat on a chair by the window think about the past few weeks and how they had rocked his world. He was thankful that his child was safe again, but was feeling nothing but hate towards all the people in the world what wanted to hurt people. He wanted to find them all and just lock them all away forever, so they couldn't cause any other family pain. Ziva saw Tony starting into space from where she was standing and walked over to him "Tony, are you okay?" she asked, but it was a rhetorical question that she knew the answer to. "Yeah" he said lying to himself and to Ziva. Ziva sat on Tony's lap and put her arms around his neck, she the gently kissed his forehead. "I just keep thinking about how it must be, losing a child" Tony said looking over at Aria who was playing with the pink balloons in the corner of the room. Tony and Ziva smiled at each other and went back to join the other guests. 2 hours later and it was time the wake had ended. Fornell, thanked everyone for coming. "see you soon" Tony said to Fornell, shaking his hand. Just then Gibbs walked up to Tony and Ziva, "I believe this belongs to you" He said carrying the sleeping Aria in his arms. Gibbs passed her over to Tony "thanks boss" he said. Fornell stroked Aria head. "Take her home, keep her safe, cherish her" He said smiling.

Tony laid awake on the right side of his and Ziva's king size bed thinking. All of a sudden he heard small whimpers coming for Ziva, he rested his hand on her arm, she was sweating. Ziva hadn't been sleeping well since their daughter Aria had been taken from them. Even though they both knew that she was now safe and no one was going to harm her, that sense of not knowing what was around the corner was lingering in the air every second they were awake. "Ziva" he whispered but didn't get a response. "Ziiivaa" He repeated, a little louder this time. Ziva sat up sharply "NO, GIVE HER BACK TO ME" she shouted. Tony stroked the small of Ziva's back and held her hand "It's okay Ziva it was just a dream, Aria is safe" he said comforting her. Ziva laid back down turning to face Tony. She moved in closer to him and Tony put this arms arm her, cradling her almost like a baby. Ziva wiped the tears from her eyes intertwined her legs with his. "You know" Tony began "6 years ago, I would never have though that we would be laying her like this, together, with a beautiful daughter". Ziva smiled as she remembered the years of banter and sexual tension they had shared before they got intimate. She had always known that she cared form Tony and Tony had always know that he had cared for Ziva, they were meant to be. Ziva looked up at Tony and into his eyes, Tony leaned in and gently kissed Ziva's lips. After a moment Ziva pulled away "I love you DiNozzo" said said as she closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

Aria DiNozzoWhere stories live. Discover now