Floating Mind

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After the team had assessed the crime scene, collected the evidence and Ducky and Jimmy had taken the body back to autopsy. Gibbs, McGee, Tony and Ziva headed back to the office in the van to get what they had back to Abby and start finding suspects, McGee drove. Once they had arrived back at the office, Gibbs gave jobs out to his team. "DiNozzo, go through the victims bank statements and see what you can find, Ziva, I want a back ground check on this guy, give me everything you can find and McGee find out who he made most recent calls to" each team member hurried back to their desks and started working. After about 30 minutes Tony looked up at Ziva smiling, he knew that this case was important and it needed solving, the family needed closure. But all he could think about was what Ziva had said to him that morning "we can spend the night together" he remembered her saying. He obviously knew what she meant and it had been a while since they had...spent the night together as she so gracefully put it. He reached into his bag and pulled out his cell, flicking through his contacts until he found Ziva. As he texted her he could sense McGee looking over at him. "Can I help you McGoo" Tony said not looking up from his phone. "texting isn't the most important thing right now Tony" He replied. Tony smirked and continued, "it may not be the most important but it sure is going to make me very happy" he laughed to himself as he pressed send. Ziva's phone beeped from inside her bag, she looked up at Tony and gave him a look. McGee rolled his eyes as he realised what was going on, he didn't want to know. Ziva opened the message "we still on for tonight?" it read. Ziva smiled at the screen and quickly replied "yes".

At that moment, Gibbs walked into the room "what have we got?" he asked. All three team mates jumped up from their desk and presented to him what they had found. Gibbs seemed pleased with what they had found and gave a slight smile as all four of them returned to their desks. Ziva looked at her watch, "Now would be a good time to ask" She thought to herself. She stood up from here she was sitting and slowly walked over to Gibbs's desk. "Yeah?" Gibbs asked now looking up from his computer. Ziva didn't know why, but she was nervous to ask Gibbs this simply question, it was unlike her and she didn't like it. She took a deep breath. "would you be able to watch Aria tonight?" she ask hopefully. Tony look up and over to where Ziva was standing and listened. "Why?" Gibbs asked, resting his arms on the table. Ziva felt embarrassed to give him an explanation. "well, um, you, know, Tony and I..." Ziva started but was cut off but Gibbs's laughter. "Sure, I'll pick her up at 6"

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