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Ziva sat in the back seat with her daughter curled up next to her still sobbing quietly. Aria was tired and need to be back at home. "בית ללכת לרוצה אני" Aria said to her mother in Hebrew. "I know you do sweet heart, but we can't go home until we get you checked up on. Ziva felt so helpless, next her to her daughter, there was nothing that she could say to make what Aria had gone through any better, she want to get the son of a b!tch that did this to her daughter and rip his head off! "Almost there" Tony said as he looked in the mirror that faced the back seat where his girls were sitting. "he wanted to get to the hospital quickly because who knows what type of drugs had been pumped into his tiny child's body, and what effect they would have on her. Tony pulled into the car park of the hospital and got out of the car, he walked round to the side Ziva was sitting on and opened the door for her, she climbed out carrying Aria in her arms, Aria was becoming more and more tired as the night progressed, but that was to be expected wasn't it after all she had just been through no adult should go through let alone a young child!

The double doors at the hospital entrance slide open and Tony walked in next to Ziva who was holding Aria. A young nurse came up to them and looked at Aria was shocked eyes. "Mr and Mrs DiNozzo?" she asked as she looked at her clip board. Tony nodded and the nurse ushered them into a small assessment room. Ziva placed Aria onto the bed and took a seat next to Tony on the uncomfortable chairs on the opposite wall. Aria sat there staring at the floor remembering the experience that she had just had. The door to the room flew open and in walked a tall doctor with a stethoscope around his neck "You must be the DiNozzos' he said with a smile. Tony and Ziva nodded. "I'm Doctor Holden" he said shaking the hands of both parents. Aria jumped of the bed and ran over to Tony, she climb onto his lap. Tony and Ziva gave a weak smile to the friendly man. "Hello Aria, I'm going to need to check up on you real quick, is that okay?" Dr Holden ask crouching down to Aria's level. Aria shook her head and tears stared to form in her eyes. "Ria, darling it's okay, no one is going to hurt you again, I promise" Tony said stroking Aria's back. The little girl slide off her father's knee and stood up in front of him facing the doctor. Dr Holden took the stethoscope from around his neck and lifted Aria's top up.

The cold metal shocked Aria and she let out a small whimper; Tony reached out his hand for comfort. "Everything seems to be in order" Dr Holden said as he finished his checks. "you guys are welcome to stay in here for a moment, whilst I print out your report" and with that the Dr left the room. Aria was tired, hungry and fed up. She just wanted to go home. Ziva opened her bag and pulled out the spear pair of leggins that she kept for Aria, just in case. Aria had been locked in a room for almost 18 hours without a bathroom, and needed to get out of her damp clothes. "Let's make you more comfortable hunny" Ziva said. Ziva dressed Aria into the clean clothes and threw the old ones in the bin. Aria was shivering, so Tony took off his hoddie and placed it over Aria's head. Tony and Ziva stood up and Aria raised her arms in the air in front of Tony signalling that she wanted to be lifted. Ziva collected the report from the front desk and they walked back to their car as Tony placed Aria into the back seat she whispered "Don't forget about the other children daddy" she then closed her eyes and went to sleep. Tony looked at Ziva, Ziva looked at Tony "theres others!?" Tony said

Aria DiNozzoWhere stories live. Discover now