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"McGee, get a trace on that call!" Gibbs ordered. McGee sat down at his computer and rapidly started typing, "This guy is good, the trace is bouncing all over the globe" McGee said looking up at his team. Gibbs returned to his desk and grabbed his gear "Tony, Ziva, come with me" I said as he walked out of the bull pen and towards the elevator "where are we going" Tony asked in a small voice. "To your place, to see if they missed anything" Gibbs replied. Once they had reached the car park Gibbs got in the driver seat, Ziva and Tony sat in the back. Ziva moved closer to Tony and rested her head on his shoulder, she felt his hand move towards hers and he locked his fingers in with hers. Tony started to get that feeling in the pit of his belly, they one he hated feeling, that he only felt in situations where he felt not in control, he wiped his eyes and kissed Ziva gently on the top of her head. Ziva squeezed Tony hand even tighter. Once they arrived at the house Gibbs ordered Tony and Ziva to go round a check for anything that was out of place, missing or anything that could like to the people that took Aria. Tony started with the back door working his way up to Aria's bedroom. He walked into the room and saw Ziva standing next to Aria's bed, holding what looked like a photograph , a single tear running down her face, Tony moved to stand next to her and what he saw scared him immensely. The picture Ziva held was of Aria, she was tied onto a chair, gagged and she was crying.

"Oh my god" Tony said under his breathe. Tony took the photo from Ziva, she didn't need to keep staring at it, it would rip her to pieces. Just then Gibbs walked into the room. "Boss" Tony said as he handed the picture to Gibbs. Ziva snapped out of her daydream and walked over to the two men "Looks like she is in some sort of basement?" Ziva asked as all three of them analysed the photograph. "Get this to Abby, she might be able to pull a finger print from it, she has also been picking apart that phone call" Gibbs said. All three of them headed back to the navy yard, this time Ziva drove. Once they arrived at the office Gibbs ordered Tony and Ziva to stay up in the bullpen with McGee, he wanted to find out the information Abby had found before Tony and Ziva, so that he could let them in on it easy. Gibbs walked into Abby's office and immediately noticed that there was no music playing, and he knew why, this was a serious situation, this child was like a niece to all of the team, they had been there at her birth and been to every birthday party, they spoiled her rotten. "What have you got Abs" Gibbs asked. "Oh um Gibbs, um " Abby stuttered as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "I managed to pick apart the phone call, if you take away the man's voice from the audio you hear this "........mommy, daddy......" Gibbs looked at Abby, "I didn't come all the way down here to hear that innocent child crying for help did I Abs!" Gibbs questioned. "didn't you hear it?" Abby asked "under Aria's voice". Abby typed on her computer and managed to mute Aria's voice from the call, she hit the play button "......wooh, wooh....". Abby turned to Gibbs and Gibbs turned to Abby "it's a boat, she's at a boat port!" Gibbs kissed Abby on the cheek and handed her the picture they had found back at the house, "try and get a finger print from this" Gibbs said as he left the room to go and tell Tony and Ziva the news.

McGee, Tony and Ziva all stood up as Gibbs walked into the bullpen after meeting with Abby. "She's at a boat port, we have teams searching the ones on the out skirts of the City, McGee your with me" Gibbs said as he gathered her gear. Tony and Ziva started to gather their things also, they wanted to be there when their daughter was rescued or at least found, after all they still didn't know if she was alive. "Not, you too" Gibbs said. Tony and Ziva looked at each other "she's our daughter boss" Tony stated looking over at Ziva. "It's too risky, it could be a trap, you stay here" Gibbs said and stepped into the elevator. As soon as McGee and Gibbs had gone out of sight, Ziva broke down into tears, she had been holding them in for so long and he couldn't help herself any longer, she was scared, what if her little girl was dead, she wasn't there to protect her when she needed it, she had failed Aria just like Eli had failed Ziva. Tony moved over and squeezed Ziva tightly in his arms, he wanted to make everything right again, he wanted everything to go back to the way they were only hours ago. There was no doubt in either of their minds they couldn't live without Aria. Tony knew that there was no way to calm Ziva down at this point, he simply stroked her face and kissed her forehead, sheading a tear or two of his own.

Aria DiNozzoWhere stories live. Discover now