Part 5

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Sienna woke to the smell of lockie's after shave she smiled before drifting back off.while she was asleep she dreamt of all the times her a lock spent together like the time she threw up all over him at a theme park and the time she got so drunk in Berlin he had to carry her home. he held her hair back as she puked into the toilet she fell asleep there and he carried her to bed.

she opened her eyes again and looked at him he still looked the same just with a bit of stubble then she looked at their beautiful little girl as she lay asleep. sienna then  remembered the day she found out she was pregnant and the day she broke up with lockie.


"sienna get out the bathroom."lockie called dancing around outside the bathroom.

"i can't do this she thought i can't raise a baby."she thought to herself as she opened the door to let her other half go to the toilet.Sienna began pacing up and down the flat as she thought things through . "i need my dad."she thought. but the only problem with that is her father has refused to talk to her while she's with lockie. She had a decision to make she chose her father, something she began to regret in latter life.

'lockie.' she called and he came sliding  into the room. "its over."she said and with that she left.


Sienna sat up her heart was racing her eyes were red and saw. she grabbed her coat and with that she left just like she did before.By the time she got home shed shed enough tears to fill a swimming pool.  she sat on the sofa with her locket in her had 'lockie's locket's used to call it because he was the one that brought it for her on her sixteenth birthday. she smiled at the thought and held it close as she closed her eyes.

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