Part 19

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Jess sat on the edge of her old bed staring down at her feet things were a lot different now both her older sister and grandfather were dead. Her father was in Scotland at her aunts wedding leaving Jess to look after her depressed mother.

"So I thought maybe I could come home and cook lunch today."Jess said but her mother didn't reply the bags under her eyes clearly showed that she didn't get much sleep last night. "Drinking... Again."Jess thought.

Jess handed her mother breakfast kissed her on the forehead and left for school. Sienna decided that today would be a good day to actually get changed and go out. She slipped into a turquoise dress and pumps.

Sienna walked through the village getting sympathetic looks off of all her neighbours. She closed her eyes each time trying to hold back the tears. But when she got the look off of her closest friend she couldn't hold them back and before she knew it she was in the arms of the blond firefighter.

"Everything's going to be ok."Leela said to her grieving friend.
"They always say that."Sienna replied whipping tears from her cheeks.
"Come here." Leela said wrapping her arms around Sienna.

"Mum."Jess said running over "I've been looking for you."
"Sorry darling."Sienna said in her usual tone. Which made Jess smile.

Sienna and Jess sat down for dinner. Sienna layer out 4 places as usual but Jess hid them before she realised the mistake she'd made.

Jess had a convocation with her mother which didn't involve tears for the first time in weeks. This meant that Jess went to bed with a smile on her face to having to worry about her mother.

But as they always say nothing lasts forever and at quarter to ten Jess heard the front door slam. She stood up and ran to the kitchen and watcher out the window as her mother scurried into the village bar.

Jess went and lay in her bed trying to reassure herself that her mothers was going to be ok. She closed her eyes and trying to get some rest before her science exam tomorrow. But as per usual she lay awake staring at the ceiling until her mother came home. But this time her mother didn't come home.

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