Part 15

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Jess stood in the middle of her bed room everything around her was a mess. She sat on her bed and looked at the photo of her, her mum and her sister she picked it up and threw it across the room so it smashed against her Cupboard. Ben happened to be walking past he came running in and hugged Jess as soon as he heard the glass smash.she didn't try too pull away she just stood there as if she was frozen.

Sienna sat beside Nico's bed lockie comforted her as she held her daughters hand. Kim walked in "I'm sorry to bother you Sienna but I was wondering if you'd come with me I have something you might like to know."she said and Sienna followed her out of the room.

"Take a seat."Kim said as they entered a new room both lockie and Sienna sat down and Kim began speaking. "We ran some tests on you before you woke up and we've just got the results back. I'm sorry Sienna but the accident has damaged your ovaries."
"Does this mean I may never have a child again?"Sienna asked a tear falling down her cheek. Kim nodded and Sienna cried into lockie he held her he told her everything was gonna be ok but she knew it wasn't.

On the walk home she didn't say a word she didn't even smile when she noticed Jess asleep on the sofa in her tellietubbie onesie. She sat down on the edge of the bed picked up Molly's memorial box and chucked it across the room "it's all your thought."she screamed at lockie. Jess woke and was now standing in the door way.
"Mum."she said.
"Don't call me that don't call me mum I don't want to be your mum I want to be my babies mummy."Sienna cried. Jess looked at her before turning and leaving the flat.
Sienna looked over at the empty coat placed in the corner of her room she stood up and threw it she threw everything that had anything to do with a baby. Lockie just stood there he didn't know what to do, he didn't know what to say.
"This is all my fault."she cried.
"Don't say that please you can't blame yourself things like this happen everyday to the people who haven't done anything to deserve it."lockie said sitting next. She leaned her head on his shoulder and he kissed it.

Jess wondered through the village in her onesie she didn't know where to go then she remembered what Ben said. She turned round and ran straight to bens flat he opened the door with holly in his arms but hugged Jess as she cried into his shoulder.

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