Chapter 2. {Bonding?!}

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My bedside clock now read '5:55pm' which basically meant that I have five minutes until I have to make a good impression of myself. I had rearranged my room for the fifth time now until I was finally satisfied. I usually do silly things like this to calm my nerves, yes- don't look at me like I'm weird!

I kept my original clothes on from this morning. The only thing different was I let my hair down in it's naturally wavy state but, curled it a bit.

I looked alright with just eyeliner on so, I headed downstairs to where my mother was laying down the table. She smiled at me when I reached her.

"Hey, need any help?" I asked her.

"Sure. Carry on laying the table while I get the food." She instructed me.

I nodded in response, taking the silver utensils from her.

Suddenly I heard a scream from the kitchen.

I dropped everything and rushed into the kitchen. "Mum?! Mum, are you alright?!"

I looked around to see her using her towel to swat what looks like a burning dish of food!

"I-I BURNT OUR DINNER!!!" She looked at me, her blue eyes round.

We stared at each other with panic for a few seconds then burst out laughing.

The door all of sudden rang and the panic came back. We looked at each other in a frozen state.

Then it rang out again and we snapped back to reality.

My mum used her hands to shoo me to the door and stall our guests. WHY ME?!

I reached it and took a deep breath like I had done before. I opened the door with a bright smile on my face, "Hiii! Come in!"

I greeted Tricia with a hug and after she called me beautiful with lovely hair, I complimented her nice blue dress. I've always been quite a shy person, never very sociable.

I heard a deep voice cough loudly and I turned to see Zayn's tall figure.

"Hi." I smiled friendly up at him.

"Don't I get a hug?" He looked at me cheekily.

Before I could answer, my mother comes into the room looking exhausted, "Sorry guys! I had a disaster with dinner... there seemed to be a problem with our oven!"

Everyone laughed and Tricia looked sympathetic, "That's okay! There's a lovely Indian restaurant nearby. Zayn go fetch the usual for us, dear."

"Oh, take Sophia with you! Give a chance for you both to  bond!" my happy mother chirped in with a big smile.

Oh mum..

I groaned causing Zayn to smirk and take my hand in his, leading me outside.

This isn't fair, I don't even like this guy- he's far too cocky and full of himself for my liking.


{{"Somebody needs help!! SUPPPPERMAAAANNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!" - Louis Tomlinson.

Oh how I miss the video diaries. Those five idiots on the stairs.. *sigh*

Lemme tell you a secret.. I hated One Direction ;) Harry Styles urgh, I hated his guts. Seriously! Now look at me!! :) See hate DOES turn into love! (( read my story Love Is Impossible *cough* *cough* ))

I hope people are actually reading this.. because I'm supposed to be revising ._.

Comment, Vote, Fan, I don't mind :) - Tanisha .x}}

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