After finishing eating the amazing Indian takeaway, my mother and Tricia told Zayn and I that tonight they'd be going out to this local club, being single and all now.
I had encouraged my mother to do so and was so pleased that she's finally going out after months of me persuading her!
But this bit was a bit of a downfall..
"Zayn hun, stay with Sophia tonight? Keep her safe?" Tricia instructed the tall guarded boy.
A normal guy would hate the idea of spending five minutes alone with me let alone a whole night; but Zayn looked willing..
"Love you hun, goodnight!" My mother kissed my forehead before giving me a hug.
She hugged Zayn when Tricia came to hug me. As soon as we heard the lock, I slowly turned to face Zayn.
"Umm.. I'm gonna go to bed soo.. night!!" I headed up the stairs but, I knew Zayn was following closely.
I sighed as I reached my door knob, turning around to face him, "Can I help you?" I asked him a little impatiently.
"Yeah. I'm tired myself so, I'm coming to bed too." He told me stretching his long arms. I could see he was trying to fight his smirk from emerging across his face.
"Oh really? Okay. Go sleep downstairs on the sofa." I pointed to the stairs.
"Butt, I need to sleep on a bed! I have back problems!!" He looked at me innocently but I knew he was lying.
Letting my defensive side down, I gave him a small smile, "Fine." I sighed, opening the door for him to enter.
He sat down onto my double bed with comfy purple pillows and black soft covers. He looked around the room then to the large window and smirked, "I have a perfect view of you, like you have one of me." he winked at me... THE CHEEK OF THIS BOY.
I opened my mouth to snap at him but softened my stance and simply rolled my eyes, "Night." And I walked out the room.
I quickly ran downstairs then looked around for a good hiding place. I just knew for a fact, he'd come after me.
I noticed a small corner that I knew my small figure would fit in that space easily. It was between the leather sofas.
I got in and cuddled to my knees, waiting...
Suddenly, I felt memories flashing back of me hiding from my father when he was drunk. Those kinda memories were painful, I didn't want to remember those times. Times when my mother was never home to protect me. Instead she was at work, working her arse off to pay the bills that kept piling at our doorsteps.
Before I could stop them, the tears were falling down my cheeks.
"Sophia? Soph?!" I heard Zayn moving around the living room searching for me.
He won't find me.. it was the same thought I had had when hiding from my father. My father usually never did find me. He'd give up and pass out after having another swing of that nasty stuff he always drunk.
"Sophia?! Hey, what's wrong babe?!" Zayn picked me up easily from my hiding spot.
Who knows how he found me?!
He must've been searching really hard..
Zayn was now holding me close to his hard chest and I could almost hear the sound of his steady heart beat. The room was quiet apart from my sobs and his soothing voice.
After I finally calmed down, I looked up into his hazel eyes that were suddenly so beautiful.
"Do you have a map?" Zayn suddenly whispered, our eyes still locked.
"No, why?" I whispered back, a little breathlessly.
"Because I keep getting lost in your eyes.." His deep voice whispered, sending goosebumps across my body and tingly feeling my heart.
Instead of bursting out laughing like I would usually do, I startled him by putting my arms around his neck and hugging him, burying my face into his crook of his neck.
A few seconds later, he had his arms around my waist and face on my shoulder.
It was nice..
To be hugging a stranger I barely knew.
That was the problem...
I barely knew anything about him...
Yet I was so intrigued by him...
{{You cast a spell on me, spell on me ;). Soooo. What song suits this fanfic, hm? Comment, Vote, Fan do ya thing.. maybe thanks ;) -Tanisha .x}}

Do I Scare You?- [Zayn Malik AU]
Fanfiction❝I'm not perfect, and neither is he, but together we're as close to perfection as one can ever be.❞ © All Rights Reserved: SykesorStyles © before reading, if you're a directioner that hates the wanted and decides just because both 1d and tw are in...