I'm furious with Nikki. She's messed up in the past, but this is almost unforgivable! Nathan is driving while I'm in the back seat holding Zayn's hand, which is calming us both down, I instruct Nathan to Nikki's house and when we arrive, he's out the car faster then we can un-buckle our seat belts!
"You don't think he fancies her, do you?" there is clear disgust in Zayn's tone and I can't help but laugh at his discomfort.
"Why do it matter if he does?"
"I don't know. I don't want him hurt, yanno? I'm looking out for the guy..." I giggled, poking his stomach teasingly and he groaned, "I'm not going soft!"
"Suuuuuure." I rolled my eyes, getting out the car while Zayn followed defending his 'man pride'.
"It's your fault though. I wasn't like this before you moved here!"
"No-one asked you to fall for me, though.." I said in an inaudible tone that he fortunately didn't hear.
We walked together into Nikki's house where Nathan had left the door open, hearing the sound of crashing, swears and yells suddenly. Zayn rushes in before I could figure out what was going on.
There Harry was on top of Nathan, throwing punches that luckily Nath was deflecting. They looked like pretty strong punches, an impact would injure the poor guy!
Wait.... why was Harry here?
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... Nikki.
Zayn had yanked Harry off Nathan now, and is beating the curly haired guy black and blue. I don't know what to think or say. I watch in horror. This side of Zayn almost frightens me. I've never seen him so angry...
I finally let out a scream, almost shaking the whole God damn house. Zayn doesn't flinch or reduce his strength or speed, and it seems to me that he's going to end up killing Harry if someone doesn't do something..
Even though I hate Harry with pure passion, I would never stand and watch him die right in front of my eyes. No way.
"STOP. ZAYN, STOP. ZAYN, YOU'RE KILLING HIM. PLEASE, STOP PLEASE." I cried out, attempting to grab onto Zayn's black tee-shirt.. but it doesn't help.
He still doesn't stop, and I can't bear to watch anymore.
"STOOOOOP!" I exclaimed, watching the blood pour out of Harry's face, and I'm shaking with fear.
I don't know what made me do it, but I suddenly used all my strength to try and pull Zayn off him, but Zayn in the heat of the moment, pushes me away from him. Me, being a clutz and shaken with fear, looses control of my legs slams backwards onto Nikki's wooden coffee.
The pain is almost unbearable and I can't help but cry and scream out. I can't save Harry now that I'm in this state.
This suddenly catches Zayn's attention and he's over to my side quickly, guilt, pain, and regret are clearly visible on his facial expression.
"Crap, crap, crap! Sophia! Babe, I'm so so sorry! I didn't know it was you! I really didn't. I just was in this zone that I couldn't get out of, baby I am so sorry. Are you okay? Please answer me!" his voice sounded desperate and needy.
I could hear Nathan talk to someone on the phone beside Nikki, who seems quite shaken by the whole sudden events.
"Ow." is all I can say.
"It really hurts, doesn't it? Oh God- Nikki do you have any ice!? Where's the God damn ice kept?!" he rushes into the kitchen and is back seconds later with a packet of frozen peas and chips.
I manage to crinkle my nose in disgust at the sight of potatoes and Zayn lets out a small chuckle, pressing them both gently on the places where it hurts the most. A relaxing feeling washed over me, and I smile at the comfort.
"H-Harry." I point at Harry who's groaning on the floor. He hasn't moved from his position, but he's breathing which reassured me.
"He'll be fine.. It's like those thugs from the bushes.. I didn't kill then, only injured them to teach them a lesson. Just like Harry over there." Zayn's words are not comforting me what so ever.
"Max and Siva are on their way." Nathan announced, from wherever he is. I can't move my neck or head to see him, because it hurts too much.
"Why did you call them?!" Zayn demands.
"W-well. I thought we needed back up.. and Siva can help clean up Harry and Sophia.." Nathan admitted, sheepishly.
If I had enough energy, I would defend Nathan's points because they were very true. He was looking out for people, unlike Zayn and his stupid pride.
That'll never change. He's always going to have his 'man pride' that he needs to protect.
If he could for once leave it alone.. maybe things would be different. Not just between the pair of us, but between him and the rest of the world.
He acted like the most of the world is his enemy, that you can't trust people because if you do, when you turn around for even a split second, they'll stab your backs.
What made him like this?
last update of 2013, wow! Happy New Year guys:)) (even though its not 2014 yet here) haha, are you excited for the next chapter because you should be! Guys, you'll find a bit about Zayn's past AND SEE WHY HE'S HOW HE IS NOW. YAAAAAY. I'm so tired. I'm seriously probably going to end up dying due to sleep deprivation... Oh.
I'm currently making a new trailer! YESSSS! *cue the football cheers*
Love you all, have an amazing-amazayn new year, Goal: 18 votes bc yolo. -Tanisha .xox

Do I Scare You?- [Zayn Malik AU]
Fanfic❝I'm not perfect, and neither is he, but together we're as close to perfection as one can ever be.❞ © All Rights Reserved: SykesorStyles © before reading, if you're a directioner that hates the wanted and decides just because both 1d and tw are in...