Chapter 42. {Protect You}

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"I'm going to help you stand now, but I'm going to need you to tell me where it hurts, okay?" Siva's calm voice spoke to me and he gently clutched onto my hands, pulling me to my feet. I was thankful that the pain from previously was slowly dissolving. I didn't want to go to the hospital.

" Are you okay?" Siva's brown eyes scanned me, observing to see any signs of pain. I'm okay though, and he can see that. Before I wasn't. I hadn't broken or sprained anything, luckily. Siva says the impact I was thrown back by, could've knocked me un-conscious. Zayn looked so guilty and I just kept reassuring him that it was okay. He wouldn't listen. He kept listing the worst scenarios that could've happened, but fortunately didn't.

"I'm fine, thank you Seev." I smiled up at the concerned, tanned Irish beside me.

He simply nodded, looking behind him at Zayn, motioning the previously angry guy to approach me. Zayn cautiously and rather hesitantly, came towards us. I bet he's worried of hurting me like before. I don't want him to feel like this! It's annoying. I feel too delicate, and fragile now.

"Zayn, I'm fine. Stop being so cautious!" I tried to reassure him, but like always he was still weary, standing inches in front of me but feeling like we were miles apart, like here to China.

"Zayn, she's recovered well. I just- just warn you to-"

"-not loose my temper when she's around. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Stop looking at me like I'm the bad guy, I hate it!" Zayn snapped angrily, backing away from me.

"No-one says you are mate.." Nathan spoke from Nikki's sofa, where his arm was around Nikki, who was sleeping peacefully on his shoulder.

Harry was taken home by Max. He swore not to tell a soul about what Zayn had done to him. I don't know why he would promise though... I didn't make sense, but I'm glad he did. I don't want to visit Zayn in prison... ever.

"You're all thinking it! I just know it!" Zayn's tone was angry once more. I'm surprised that he has enough energy to shout after the previous events.

"No-no we're not, Zayn. It's not always about you all the God damn time. Have some heart. You injured Sophia, okay? We're obviously not going to think 'oh, everything's okay. Happy, happy, happy!' No! We're going to be worried about her, and you. No-one thinks you're the fricking bad guy. Not in this case, anyway. It was a mistake. An accident, seesh!" Max exclaimed, throwing his arms up in the air in disbelief.

"I agree. Zayn, you're being too hard on yourself. She's okay. You're okay. Everything's okay. Calm down." Siva spoke in his calm tone, like always.

I've learnt that Siva is practically the peace maker in the gang. He's always neutral, never on anyone's side in arguments. Instead he tries his very hardest to settle it. It's a great aspect of his personality.

"Whatever." was all Zayn snapped, before he slammed the front door, and out he went.

I wanted to go after him, but Max stopped me, telling me that he just needed to clear his head.

I hope he's alright. I don't like seeing him so..... broken.

It's almost as horrible as watching him so angry.


I don't care what they say, I know what I did was horrible. I love her and I couldn't control myself when I was around her. That says something about me. I am the bad guy. I bet I'm even worse then Niall. I bet Niall would never dream of landing a finger on her angelic features. No. She's too perfect, to flawless to ever be with me... I'm just.... damaged.


"Hey Dad, Mum! Look at my drawing!" I clutched onto my large sketch pad tightly to my chest, gushing with pride as I ran down the stairs, looking for my parents.

They weren't in the kitchen or the dining room, no. They weren't in the house at all. I heard shouting from the garden and words that my young eight year old ears weren't supposed to hear. I watched my father beat my mother on the grass, her blood staining her pale soft skin. I let out a panicked scream, rushing out to stop the raging monster from hurting my already fragile mother. I loved my mother more then words could describe.

"STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING, DAD?! STOP, PLEASE?!" I begged, wrapping my small arms around his muscular leg, thinking that would stop him. It didn't. Instead it angered him even more.

He kicked me off, turning his cold bloodshot eyes to me. His soft lovely brown eyes were gone. I wanted them back so much.

"D-daddy?" I looked up at him, shaking with fright. Now on the ground I was defenceless. I couldn't save myself or my mother. I was useless. A waste.

"Are you a girl, Jawaad? Are you?" my father used to call me by my middle name for a reason that I will never know the answer to.

"N-no, dad.." was it a trick question?

"THEN WHY ARE YOU DRAWING!? ONLY GIRLS DRAW, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" he snatched my beloved sketchbook out my small hands and I watched him shred my pages into little pieces, a wicked smile on his face. The tears streamed down my face, my heart shattering at the same time. My mother was crying too.. but she couldn't help.

No-one could.

It was that day, I changed. I decided I need to toughen up. I burned all my drawings, changing my style of clothes, got an ear piercing when I was thirteen, and started to not give craps about people. From that day on.. it was only about my mother and I. I had one goal... to protect her.


Instead of protecting my mother now, I had a goal to protect Sophia.. from everything. I didn't realise I had to protect her from myself too.

Today seeing her like that... defenceless... I felt like my father looking at my mother all those horrible years ago.

I swear from this day on, I will protect Sophia in every shape and form.

Whether she likes it or not.


yeah, I cried at that Zayn flashback. Idk about you. Anyhoo.. If you have any questions about this book/ fanfic/ story/ bananas/ apples/ pears/ whatever then don't hesistate to comment. I love comments, because as well as the votes, they make me update faster and have the motivation to write:)

OOOOOOOOOH, MADE A NEW TRAILER HOLLA WHO'S AMAZAYN MOI. Okay, I'm not. But go check it out ------->--------------->-------->

Goal: 18 votes yaaaaay. Love you all- Tanisha .xox

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