"You're lying to yourself if you think your father loved you."
It was too much to take it, at the age of eighteen, that my father was having an affair with this stranger's mother. I had only met this guy today, yet everything that he told me... made me want to believe him.
"D-dad does love me.. I know he does, and my mother too." I tried to defend my father as much as I could, but my defence side was becoming weaker as Tom fired facts that I didn't know my father had done.
I didn't know that he had been sleeping with Tom's mother, while my mother was on her death bed after having a miscarriage. I didn't think that my father even drunk until Tom showed me the video of my father's wild night at his house. He looked like he had something else as well as alcohol, but I didn't want it to be true... so I didn't question it.
"Tom. Why are you here?" I looked up at the rough looking city boy- who I'd never knew existed until today.
"I need you in this gang that is forming.. We need you. You're going to be so venerable in this world, unprotected. Unloved. You have no family, no chances of a future.. Come with me. I want to show you-"
"-how do you know so much about me?" I cut him off with a very curious question. One that I should've asked him when he first approached me.
"Niall Horan." a shiver goes up my spine as his name is spoke out loud. Him. He- he was- he wasn't what I expected him to be like. I thought he was older then me- much older.. not the same damn age. I didn't make sense as to why he hung out with my dad. He seemed to enjoy the company of older people then rather the people his own age. I stayed clear from him, because there was something about him that I didn't like.
His blue eyes were always cold, and piercing when they looked at me, but we never talked- not once. Only stared. I had a feeling he didn't like me; I don't understand why. Sure- I'm not popular. I'm unloved with no family- un protected... but I don't understand why he didn't like me. Did my father tell him something about me to him?
No. It can't be because my father had barely talked to me enough throughout my whole life. I was too busy helping my mother, balancing my studies as well as trying to keep my mum from doing stuff that would make her become more weaker then she already was. I knew she was pregnant. She didn't have to tell me. It wasn't the bump that made me figure it out.. It was how my father acted around her, and how she acted back.
You'd think that maybe now that she's pregnant, you wouldn't treat your wife with such disrespect as you had done before.. The way he slapped her, pushed her around every now and again- but now it was worse. Once he started to hand out with that blonde devil, he decided it was a good idea to attack her bump.. My little sister.
My mother was excited to have a girl. We used to curl up together in her bed, whenever my father wasn't home and make little fantasies about 'Jessica'. That's what we would've called her.. but we can never make any more fantasies... now that they're both dead.
I spent most of my time with my mum that I forgot what it was like to be a man. I didn't like to play football, instead you'd find me writing music by myself somewhere.. Sure- I was a loner, but then no-one can hurt me when I alone, away from everything.. just how I liked it.
"How-how did you find me?" I asked Tom, gripping tighter to my knees and I pulled them closer to my chest as the cool London air hit me.
"It wasn't that hard. I heard you couldn't get into that music school-"
"-are you friends with Niall?!" how else would he know so much about me- yet why do I feel like I can trust Tom?
"No! Hell no! That idiot ruined my life!" Tom didn't like Niall, so it made me trust him even more. I have a problem like that- I trust people way too easily. That's why I'm usually left broken.
"Anyways. So I heard about your school from your dad talking to Niall. They're in Bolton, if that's what you're wondering. I know that you need support.. and I'm here to give you that support. I've actually met these two other guys, and they seem to be in the same position that we are in." Tom explains to me, taking a seat beside me on the cold hard ground.
"I-I don't want to be anywhere near him.." I didn't have to say his name because Tom knew instantly who I was talking about..
"You don't have to be at all. Just remember- we all hate him. That's why we're forming a team, of people who's families and own lives have been destroyed by that Irish lad."
I gulped now. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to be protected. I wanted to be part of this team.. It would help my confidence.. but they again- if we get caught, we can't ever split up, can we? Splitting up means that each and every one of us would be venerable once more. Therefore, we'd have to be in this gang until the day we died, or he died.
I woke up with a start to an empty room- or so I thought. Nikki was sleeping peacefully in my arms but no-one else was here. Where had they all gone?
Nikki stirred in my arms and frowned, so I pulled her towards my chest, protectively shielding her from whatever was worrying her, causing her to smile and snuggle closer towards me.
Oh forget worrying about the others- I'm going back to sleep!
"Are you going to explain to me what the hell you want from me- or am I going to have to call the police?!"
That Irish lad who attempted to kill me back at Nikki's house, was currently sitting in my living room somehow.. I don't even know how he go in! I had just been dropped of by this bald guy, who made me swear now to tell anyone about Zayn beating me up.... I promised only because I didn't want my pride to be at stake. Sophia though- I warned her so many times about him. I hope she gets severally injured.
"I need you to be on my team. Do you understand? You listen to me and you won't get hurt. You'll get anything you want- only if you listen to my commands."
"Anything?" I raise a curious eyebrow at him.
"What do you have in mind?" he stands to his feet, and is roughly the same height as much- though in my defence, that quiff of his adds to his height.
"Nikki." I look at him hesitantly because I know he's been with her and I pretty sure he likes her and-
"-done." Wait- really? That quick? No fights or arguments? This guy might be alright, yanno... He could be a decent guy.
And then we shake hands as if we've formed an alliance. Oh wait- maybe because we have.
I don't know what I've signed up for....
I just hope it's not too bad.
{{Oh Harry- stupid little Harry, my baby. He has no idea what he's got himself into;) What's your views on that? and on Nathan's story, awwww. Nathhhhhhhhhhh I love you! Who's your favourite story so far? Niall's is mines- oh wait SPOILER. My bad;) Anyways 20 votes? Dayum you guys are good! Haha. Boo- I have school tomorrow so my updates wont be as frequent as they have been.... got tests that I've been revising for... *sigh* Goal: 20 votes? Idk. It'll probably give me time to balance my life, my writing, my revision and stuff aha. Love you all!-Tanisha .x}}

Do I Scare You?- [Zayn Malik AU]
Fanfiction❝I'm not perfect, and neither is he, but together we're as close to perfection as one can ever be.❞ © All Rights Reserved: SykesorStyles © before reading, if you're a directioner that hates the wanted and decides just because both 1d and tw are in...